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i think it would be kinda neat since arma is a millitary simulator, and is all about squad controlling, to have possible rare npc's that can be found and fall under your list of squad mates. Then if you find extra weapons etc, you can arm them but the downfall is obviously that they will require food and drinks as well, plus it would be kind of neat to have them drive vehicles for you, or carry stuff for you. Alot of people play solo and i think that with this element, it would make things more interesting since it's so hard to find friendlies to begin with, What does everyone else think? I'm also talking about this as being a RARE thing to come by NPC survivors, but would be neat!

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Or to be able to send them into a town while you provide overwatch or something of that sort.

Just curious what anyone would think about that. :-)

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Well the idea of Day Z is "this is your story" and is basically 95% player interaction. I think. Npcs should stay out completely, as it would break the immersion I put into day z, where everyone I see is a real person, in a sense.

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Idea not bad, but it will be very hard to coding. To many problems. But creating team from real friends would be easy and nice. As a squad leader you can set directions etc. Why not?

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Well it actually would be nice to have a NPC "Friend" but i mean like the Military AI from Arma OA is just... dumb they were made to Kill "Players" i don't think the AI form the soldiers in ARMA would fit DayZ only if they changed it of course, but your "NPC Friend" must have a very good AI, otherwise some other Surviver might just shoot him and he's gone..

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-1 i doubt NPC's will ever be in this game

and damn right too!

DayZ is something different to every other MMO/FPS, it really shouldnt hold your hand at any time

Edited by 3rdParty

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teaming up with your friends and having a squad leader and stuff would have been cool :) but not NCPS :) sry m8.

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What about some NPCs where you can repair and buy stuff. What about an auction house?


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I'm for team from friends, but no ncp's in DayZ!

Only what I need in dayz, is better inventory system, official servers, less bugs, anti cheat system (better). Rest is ok for now.

And new map would be cool. It's Arrowhead right?

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I think it's a great idea, it would give the player the ability to safely for a group of some sort even if they do not have any friends who have Arma 2. It would enhance the entire gameplay experience.

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It's not a MMORPG...

Edited by k4ne

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