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A Server without players?

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hi, i realy like the mod, there is only one thing that is realy annoying: other players that just kill you. of course its a part of the game that there are other survivors that want your stuff and i know that its cind of pussy, but if you join a server, and you get killed by some random guy,thats passing by, before your game even loaded the game,thats also not funny. so my question is, if theres a way, that i can play with out other players, do i have to make a lan server, is there a trick to find servers with 0 players or are there for example PVE only servers?

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no theres no pussy servers

man up, learn to play and dont log out in shitty places

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no theres no pussy servers

man up, learn to play and dont log out in shitty places

What he said but using polite words

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There's a singleplayer version of the mod as well, google it.

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i think i know how to play, because i had at least everything you can have in the game, so i became bored and shot myself but if you are on top of the hospital in elektro and wanna do the move from zombieland (just pull all zombies on to you and hunt them down) you cant do it, because there will defently be a player that is just shooting you.

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Play some arma2 missions get familiar with the base game then get into dayz

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i allready said i know how to play, i know how "to move through citys". but i didnt asked for how to play on servers with other players, i asked for a server without players. the only helpful post was from scavenger, thank you.

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i allready said i know how to play, i know how "to move through citys". but i didnt asked for how to play on servers with other players, i asked for a server without players. the only helpful post was from scavenger, thank you.


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This thread made me choke on my (really very nice) green tea.

Edited by Dramatic Exit

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log out in non-retarded Safe places, if this keep happening , you the one that is doing it wrong....

pve server? what the heck is that?

Player versus enviroment (Meaning players versus zombies)

Good answer Woodland Warrior

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man, just log out in the pine trees, and grow a pair

ive never been killed while loading and ive been playign this game for a long long time now

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hahahaha, im so proud of you, im telling you something and you just ignore it and keep posting some things i never wanted to know. i want a lan/singleplayer/PVE/non-player server to do things, you cant do with other players. i just asked for some answers for my question and not about some guys telling me things i already know or people that think they know everything better than me. :)

Edited by Sqad

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just find a low populated server ...with like 2-3 people....there is a lot of them in Dayz Commander

Its not EMPTY server, But the chances to find another person is slim


Edited by Duffman

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To everyone who thinks that somehow killing other players doesn't make you a pussy, I've never played a PvP game where the combat was more pussy based that Day Z. Shooting some random guy looking for sardines whilst cowering in a bush at 200m with a sniper rifle, wearing a ghillie to ensure that they really won't ever know you were there. A really exciting and manly combat experience.

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To everyone who thinks that somehow killing other players doesn't make you a pussy, I've never played a PvP game where the combat was more pussy based that Day Z. Shooting some random guy looking for sardines whilst cowering in a bush at 200m with a sniper rifle, wearing a ghillie to ensure that they really won't ever know you were there. A really exciting and manly combat experience.

its not killing people that make you a non-pussy* (lol)....its by Surviving the game with the amount of players its meant to be played!

Having Tactics to enter cities without being seen, tracking zombies spawn for survivor, hearing around you for strange sounds like foot steps and gun fire!

By playing the game this way, (with at LEAST 25people in the server) .....below that the game is just a EASY survivor thing with buggy zombies (this is not the way rocket want this game to be played)

....so yes, if you go low populated server/single player/PvE you're a pussy, because you are afraid of challenge and want a Cheezy easy game to play with vehicules and zombies...

(my opinion about it)

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