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The Pillar of Scripting, or Streetlight the Car Destroyer.

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Part one.

Yesterday me and friend of mine have decided to raid some camps north of Gvozdno. (To prevent holy war: our camp was raided several times, too - and i think it's a part of the game).

We got there on our stolen volkswagen (stole tractor on the way there). In the camps we found after searching for 20 minutes we found some guns and nvg. Full of ourselves, we drived back.

When we were passing Gvozdno, i accidentally touched street light with my wheel. Speed was maybe 1-2kmph - i was slowly moving between the trash pile on the road and a fence.

The moment i touched street light, i was BattleEyed from the server 'for scripting', and my tractor instantly exploded and disappeared faster than i could get back online. I was lucky to not get hit.

After hearing a lot of new information about myself from my friend, i got in his car and we continued driving. End of part one.

Part two.

Today me and friend of mine....



I got out of the car to check market. He decided to drive out of Gvozdno to wait for me in the forest.

And then he touched this goddamn street light. While turning. At almost zero speed. Both of us were crushing into the walls much harder before - but this Pillar... This Being seemed to multiply the damage and transfer some of it into astral form, hitting not only his physical body, but also his soul. He was battleyed for scripting, car exploded and disappeared. I fixed his leg, wounds and made a transfusion. It saved his life, but his love - extremely slow on the dirt, unhideable yellow volkswagen, is now gone forever. End of part two.


Wtf was that? What's wrong with this street light? Is it supposed to kick players and destroy vehicles just like that? Why is it allowed to do all of that? Is it some kind of Forgotten Street Light that no one believed to exist since the Crusades?

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