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Alt + F4 issue

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I am sure, something like that was suggested before, but what if you make it, so that when someone leaves the game, his character stays on the server for like another minute or so, before disappearing. Why would that be useful ? When people are leaving the game, because they got tired of playing, or because they just want to leave, they always hide their characters somewhere, so that next time they come to play, they don't spawn in front of someone and get shot to the face immediately. I seriously hate when people Alt+F4 and I am not one of those who run around and kill people. It annoys me because people are careless. They run around town, looting items and when they agro zombies on the way, they just disconnect from the game to lose agro, then rejoin and do same shit again. I also hate when people start a fight, lose it, and alt+f4 to survive and not lose his items. Make this game more realistic, by leaving player's character in the game for one more minute, or so, after player disconnects. People would stop disconnecting from the game all the time, when they are in danger.

Some people will not like this idea, probably because they abuse alt+f4 them selves.

P.S. My english isn't perfect, don't hate.

Edited by Sydberg

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I am sure, something like that was suggested before, but what if you make it, so that when someone leaves the game, his character stays on the server for like another minute or so, before disappearing. Why would that be useful ? When people are leaving the game, because they got tired of playing, or because they just want to leave, they always hide their characters somewhere, so that next time they come to play they don't spawn in front of someone and get shot to the face immediately. I seriously hate when people Alt+F4 and I am not one of those who run around and kill people. It annoys me because people are careless. They run around town, looting items and when they agro zombies on the way, they just disconnect from the game to lose agro, then rejoin and do same shit again. I also hate when people start a fight, lose it, and alt+f4 to survive and not lose his items. Make this game more realistic, by leaving player's character in the game for one more minute, or so, after player disconnects. People would stop disconnecting from the game all the time, when they are in danger.

Some people will not like this idea, probably because they abuse alt+f4 them selves.

P.S. My english isn't perfect, don't hate.

That's exactly the same idea I have and I guess the only way to get rid of this issue.

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the main problem i see is being unable to get out in time from hackers, I think it would be best to deal with hacking first and leave the alt f4 issue till standalone

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This was suggested 1000 times. I am pretty sure this will be implemented in the future. Just handle the freaking alt f4 scrubs until its implemented.

I hope many of those alt f4 scrubs wont read the patch notes and once they get into some fire fight and alt f4 like a little bitch they will be wondering why they restart at next login. Man this forum will be flooded with treads like "i got a disconnect - I DID NOT ALT f4 SURELY NOT - and now i lost all my gear i used the past weeks to snipe all the manly ppl that didnt alt f4"

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That's the job of BE and not DayZ. Battleye isn't that bad as you possibly think. The last days there were many undetected hacks and we saw it on our servers, as players ran straight to our camp from nowhere but tomorrow those hacks will be detected.

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Been suggested a lot. I honestly feel (if it can be implemented) that if you are within x metres (x probably being 100m or less) of gunshots, your body should wait 30 secs before disappearing but if you are farther away then you are fine (no delay). I also feel that if you disconnect bleeding, you should continue to bleed until you bandage yourself (making alt-F4 a lot harder as you would lose too much blood to disconnecting and restarting the game to survive easily).

TBH though, I have hardly encountered alt+F4s (one-hit-kill guns work wonders :P ENFIELD FTW!)

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