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Do you RL shake/increase heart-beat during DayZ firefight?

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I make an example..

i was patroling the hillside between otmel and kruskoy cap the other day, picking off 3 people heading in the direction of elektro. i had total advantage so i am able to fire normally. then i see this guy coming straight through the woods towards me. i dived behind a tree and that cunt just keeps running past. he stops occasionally for a second then continues along the slant of the wooded hill. So i lined up the ironsights, or at least tried. except that i cant do that shit because i have the freaking shakes in RL. my heart is POUNDING. so i follow this guy directly behind him about 30meters away along the hillside. i keep stopping, crouching and trying to aim but i am so nerve wrecked i cant guarantee the kill (even with a freaking AK). so i have to keep following and closing in closer each time he stops (probably alt tabbing out to check a map).. eventually i close the gap to 10 meters and open up.

it was such a thrill ya know. it isnt all the time. but i have never had this experience in any other game. its possibly due to building up loot and the bastard of dying, possibly due to the immersive atmosphere of the game

either way thats awesome that a game can make me feel like i am about to really fight

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Of course it does, and any player of DayZ will tell you the same (or they're liars), this game is so immerse, you feel everything.

So yeah man, we, and yes I'm actually talking for many players I met along the way, we feel that way too. Man the rush of adrenaline I had in this game, this is why it's so addictive.

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Of course it does, and any player of DayZ will tell you the same (or they're liars), this game is so immerse, you feel everything.

So yeah man, we, and yes I'm actually talking for many players I met along the way, we feel that way too. Man the rush of adrenaline I had in this game, this is why it's so addictive.

+1 Beans to that guy

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Tangible loss. Thats what increased your heart rate, REAL risk. Losing hours or days or weeks of hard work in one small event.

DAYZ gives it to me, EVE-Online gives it too, in the form of internet spaceships.

All these games manufactured for the kiddies and dumbed down and simplified en masse dont do it for me.

I love it, reminds me im alive =).

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Yeah, I know what you mean OP. I got in a firefight the other day and me and the player that was shooting at me were like 1m away from each other, both mag dumping our pistols into each other. I just managed to kill him and I checked his body and found an AS50, Alice Pack, GPS, etc. Such a rush.

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I get the feeling as well. I don't shake, but the world slows down for me as I focus on what to do.

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once i jumped a couple of guys with my AS50 near Novy Lug (1 had an AS50 other had M4SD). I was lucky they ran right past me in my ghillie with my M4SD out at the time. I waited until they were 200m away and fired 2 shots, and both targets were down. Next thing i know i hear crack, crack, crack (that familiar sound =P) as they must have had another buddy with an AS50 meeting them or something. I sprint to my motorcycle, zigging and zagging like crazy, jumped on and got the hell out of there. I still don't think i've ever had such a high heart rate EVER as i did then. This mod is just great at doing stuff like that.

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yes, totally. after my first firefight I survived I could not even get back to the game for 20 minutes. I totally did not expect

such reaction! The magic of dayz something I go back to almost daily despite the bugs. By chance or through genius rocket got the fundamental element just so right.

Edited by ZlobaRUS54

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The possibility of loosing days worth of progress by screwing up in a firefight makes DayZ so adrenaline pumping

You don't spawn with your gear 100% there, you don't spawn 50m away from where you died

If you screw up, days worth of progress might be gone in a second

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It used to.

You sorta just get used to it...

a sad concept really if you look at it, it becomes second nature :(

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didnt read thread, but its called anxiety and adrenaline

anxiety makes you start to shake because youre scared that you dont know the outcome of whats happening and it has serious reprecussions. <- starting to shake

while the adrenaline is there to keep you focused and active while the anxiety / fear are there :D <- heart beating faster

Edited by Buffjesus
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This is why I have always loved Arma. No other game gives you this type of immersion.

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awesome responses on this , i wonder if the flight or fight rush in RL in battle situation/a fight could be better controlled (or focused like lennsk experiences) by repeated exposure to the sensation through this engine and does that factor into the military's use of such software? in this sense as Powell says, you just "get used to it" but without being at RL risk

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To answer your topic question. Yes

-Why? because you spend time on getting that stuff you might have. When you die you lose it simple.

Edited by luxis

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Heart rate increases when I've got something to lose.

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Yep, I do aswell, its friggin annoying but fun

Annoying? That's the main reason I play dayz. No other game can give me such a feeling.

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