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At the expense of a fresh spawn?

Seems rather cruel.

Fresh spawn and 28-day char are swimming at the same speed, ya know? And again. Experience is the most valuable thing not only in this game but IRL too. I can give you an AS50 but if you dont know how to use it, you can rather put it inside your ass. So practice practice and practice again. Zombies are a joke, not a threat. Wasting ammo? There's no such thing as wasting ammo. Ya know, people in the military are wasting tons of ammunition on cardboard targets that possess no threat and can't be looted. Ya get what I mean? (;

Edited by void_false

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Because it's a damn Zombie Outbreak. Trust NO ONE.

Don't you think it would make more sense to, umm, i dunno, Kill the Zombies!!

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Obviously something fishy is going on at Skalisty Island on that server... They don't want any visitors and have stationed guards watching the surrounding waters.

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Don't you think it would make more sense to, umm, i dunno, Kill the Zombies!!

for the first 3 days sure

but once you figure out zombies are pathetic; you move on to real fights.

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Fresh spawn and 28-day char are swimming at the same speed, ya know? And again. Experience is the most valuable thing not only in this game but IRL too. I can give you an AS50 but if you dont know how to use it, you can rather put it inside your ass. So practice practice and practice again. Zombies are a joke, not a threat. Wasting ammo? There's no such thing as wasting ammo. Ya know, people in the military are wasting tons of ammunition on cardboard targets that possess no threat and can't be looted. Ya get what I mean? (;

True, but technology will advance and provide tactical simulations with AI, similar to ARMA2 really. But if they want training in a video game there's single player for that...

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Because players have the freedom to do that and if they want to do it, they can do it.

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True, but technology will advance and provide tactical simulations with AI, similar to ARMA2 really. But if they want training in a video game there's single player for that...

Nah. There's no thrill in killing AI in singleplayer. After months of DayZ I joined one Domi server just to check out how the things are feeling. It was total faggatory and boredom. Everybody was picking sniper rifle with thermal and RPG and was running at enemy city like Rambo. Nobody was afraid to die because you just restock after respawn. DayZ gives you the adrenaline rush that no other game can deliver. That's why it's so rewarding to kill in this mod.

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Because he doesn't know you. He has no clue what you posses on you or where you were heading. He took the shot and moved on. You were a new spawn anyway, so why does it matter?

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Welcome to Chernerus, the land of arseholes.

Edited by Fosty99

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people dont put the huey on the island

the huey itself SPAWNS there lol

Obviously it spawns there, but what you are trying to say is people don't land it there? Really?

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damn 20 shoots on someone who swim? that is low, low aim.......

again, you have bandages and painkillers, how many times do I need to tell people that is valuable if you can't reach a sniper infested city?

also there are bandits that have their rifle in backpack so that "faint-hearted" or those with something called "trust" that I lost long ago, get backstabbed

what this community turned into? a lawless land that no one give a shit on morals, welcome to dayz!

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