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Load a vehicle found on another server.

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My suggestion relates to transfer to another server a vehicle that we found. If you are able to save a car, why not to be able to load it on other server? Sometimes the server may stop working and you can lose all your eq collected by up to a week.

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We'll end up with clans going on random servers, grabbing cars and hoarding them on their own clan server.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! This would just increase the potential for hoarding and lower the chances of regular players ever finding a vehicle at all.

Can you imagine instead of having to just search one server having to search every single server out there. Also it would result in some servers turning into vehicle fests. They're supposed to be rare. Just stick to one good home server and your problem is solved.

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Yeah hoarding is a big problem with vehicles currently. I seen only 3 vehicles and I am playing this game for a few weeks now. I didn't get to drive any yet so...

Having vehicles only on 1 server also reduces the amount of server hopping because people tend to stay on servers where they have a vehicles stashed up. So thats a bigger plus, than having your vehicle go with you on any server :)

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I'm actually okay with tents and vehicles not following you around server to server, just makes them rarer, and makes you find a server to call home.

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