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NYC 6 do not want.

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The rampant racism on this sever will keep me from coming back.

Most of it coming from the admins own clan.

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Thats wonderful' date=' and do you plan on showing us this 'racism' or any type of proof backing up your claim?



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Thats just wonderful...

Oddly enough I can't find a thread for NY6 or any information about it then being hosted by Altitude Gaming, and something about worrom.com?

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I hope you mean NYC6 and not NY6(my server).

When i've been online i haven't seen any racism, but i would ban/kick for it.

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I'm currently the only Admin on NY6, we've only been online for 2 days... So he must be mistaken.

If this is a serious concern and we can verify it's for NY6 i can provide chat logs.

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The sever was NYC 6.

I've had nothing but good experiences on the NY severs.

Didn't catch the admins name. Clan tag was


I'm not trying to get anyone bant or whatever. Just want to give other players a head up on a sever the may not want to join.

Thats wonderful' date=' and do you plan on showing us this 'racism' or any type of proof backing up your claim?


You are so right here Legacy. I should have proof to back up this claim. I apologize to morrow and you for the confusion it has caused.

After 2 weeks of server hoping it was my first real negative experience with any NA/EU or Asian sever.

Again i apologize. i never ment to cause any drama.

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Misc doesn't own NYC6.

I haven't seen any misc members being racist, seeing how its a heavily multicultural group. There was someone else being racist towards the misc members online today though, and judging by your writing style and post time I have a strong feeling it was you.

The only offensive thing coming from misc is the word "phaggot" which isn't meant to be offensive but is more of an inside joke on the misc forums.

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Misc doesn't own NYC6.

I haven't seen any misc members being racist' date=' seeing how its a heavily multicultural group. There was someone else being racist towards the misc members online today though, and judging by your writing style and post time I have a strong feeling it was you.

The only offensive thing coming from misc is the word "phaggot" which isn't meant to be offensive but is more of an inside joke on the misc forums.




A friend of mine was streaming on twitch if you want the link.

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Misc doesn't own NYC6.

I haven't seen any misc members being racist' date=' seeing how its a heavily multicultural group. There was someone else being racist towards the misc members online today though, and judging by your writing style and post time I have a strong feeling it was you.

The only offensive thing coming from misc is the word "phaggot" which isn't meant to be offensive but is more of an inside joke on the misc forums.




A friend of mine was streaming on twitch if you want the link.

I don't see what Legion has to do with this.

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If someone has an issue with a server then PM me and Ill forward it to relevant people.

Public discussion, rumor mill and other "poasting" isnt encouraged.

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