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Cheater report with Dayz Radar

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We are stopped using the Radar-tool on NL50, didn't know this is call cheating either some way... So now we just hope BattleEye does his work. Sorry for this topic, it can be closed. We don't open logs anymore.

Edited by paniohitus
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Player '-' warped himself over our map.

The first picture are the lines of all players, I saw that player '-' warpend. This is possibile if he played first 1 hour on a server, and then on another and came back. But that wasn't the case when looked to the times.



His 'ID" is switching all the time as you can see, while by other players this ID is constant. Also his 'login and logout' is hidden for some reason. But not in other files, they can't escape the server-console-file


His GUID: 438364d2d9571b8fa03418699cb6662d

Also not showt up in script.txt, but this doesn't worked for him. I hope he sees this and cry.

@Adrien, tnx for making this possible:


Now we can act against them very easy

I had the exact same player on my server doing the exact same thing.

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So your solution to cheaters is to download a cheat? Fantastic!

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Yes, many, but the DayZ server may not be around for much longer.

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So your solution to cheaters is to download a cheat? Fantastic!

protip: log parser =/= "cheat".

A good analogy for this:

If your country was invaded by another, would you fight back with spears or bombs?

Edited by cm.

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Look at the thread topic. "DayZ Radar" .... then try the link the OP posted ... it is not there anymore, I has been removed ... strange.

Do a search for "DayZ Radar" and it comes up with the site of one of the most notorious groups. It is what they call their tool.

If you think a tool like this won't be abused, you are incredibly naive.

If this log parser isn't a cheat, i'm wondering why the links were removed, I'm wondering why when I search for the topic, it directs me to a certain group, and then I start wondering about the OP being based in NL when this same group operate from there.

So there is either an understanding here, or the OP needs to be reworded.

Edited by osirish

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Look at the thread topic. "DayZ Radar" .... then try the link the OP posted ... it is not there anymore, I has been removed ... strange.

Do a search for "DayZ Radar" and it comes up with the site of one of the most notorious groups. It is what they call their tool. If this is something different, then maybe the OP needs to edit his post. If this is the same thing, then I'm standing by my statement.

If you search the posts under my name, you'll find dozens of posts I've made regarding this "problem".

If you think a tool like this won't be abused, you are incredibly naive.

It would also seem you have a close minded view of how badly some people want to protect their servers community. Like I said in the thread, not all of us are out to screw regular players over. Hacking is getting to the point where it is ruining the experience for new players and people who have been here from the beginning alike, something has to be done and if you have a better idea, lets hear it.

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What you are speaking of is not a player. It is corrupted data. The player - does not exist.

This was a player in the playerlist with the name '. I know what you mean. The name '-' is also used for last weapon saving to the hive. But it's also used by cheaters because they know this...

Edited by paniohitus

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