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Buying Satchel Charges

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I'm interested in trading something for 1 satchel charge. Post here if you have one up for trade and what you would like in return. PM me your contact info if interested.

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I dont think theres satchel charges in dayz xd

EDIT: Uh, actually i just checked the wiki and its there xd thats pretty cool. But you can only find it in barracks and its Very Rare.

Edited by diod1997

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If I see another person with satchel charges trying to blow someone up I swear............ anyway, no those aren't in game, sorry. And whoever says they have some to trade is a possible hacker.

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they are in the game. you can level buildings with them... lol

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they use to spawn in barracks, not sure if they still do. you can be sure most are hacked in though

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I have 3 and a bear trap from a trade, should make for an amusing terrorist attack in game. :D

Hope you find some!

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If I see another person with satchel charges trying to blow someone up I swear............ anyway, no those aren't in game, sorry. And whoever says they have some to trade is a possible hacker.

They are in the game.

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I have 5, killed a guy @ stary and he had some hacked stuff, including a AS50 TWS.

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Just today I stole a truck that someone left unattended in cherno, in the trucks inventory were 15 satchel charges. I was kind of floored as to how anyone could acquire that many without cheating.

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I just demolished the church, hospital, supermarket, and school in elektro of a high pop server ;( I'm a horrible person.

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Alright , i can get you satchel charges. But what do you have to offer..?

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