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Spamming Your Position Over Global Chat MAKES Me Want to Gank You

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I realize that many people are complaining about how the game has become overrun by bandits and KoS, but is this really the bandit's fault? It has never been easier to figure out where people are than now.

Every server I get on has multiple players spamming global with "Cherno Safe?", "Cherno Church Friendlies?", "Airfield Friendlies?", etc. These people are usually always killed/robbed and complain over chat/forums. Do people realize that they are constantly outing their location? That I would rather follow them from the treeline as they brave the "Airfield Friendlies" and take their loot from them when they exit left?

Please, if you are new to the game and playing with friends, start a Steam Voice Chat, find a vent/ts/mumble server, type over a 3rd party program, and stop making it so easy for everyone to grief you.

Also, there are never Cherno/Elektro/Airfield/Coast friendlies.

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this couldn't be more true, if there are people at nw airfield that ask "airfield friendly" or "in the barracks you friendly" i tell my bandit friend server name and location of them. rape city bitch

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met up with a couple teams of friendlies in cherno now! Granted by giving away all our positions on global chat, but as a unit of 4 or 5 we were pretty solid!

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It's hard when you start to find good people. You never know if one of those guys in your group is a bandit or if the, "I got killed at X, but managed to incap the other guys... Let's go get my gear from my corpse"-guy is just leading you into a trap.

But I think alot of bandits gank in groups too. They usually have some good hardware to do it.

It also seems that if you can get someone over voice-chat, they are less likely to kill you. Your character is humanized by your voice.

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I love that people do it... It's my best Baiting tactic as a bandit..

I'll say 'Guys I'm stuck in xxxx so many Zeds, don't wanna lose my loot :( help!'

While I'm 400 yards away in a forest scoping out said location with my CZ ;)

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I agree that you shouldn't broadcast your location, but you're wrong about there being no friendly's in certain places. For a time me and my friend managed to force all the bandits out of cherno with some sniper rifles. We then started to watch over the survivors wandering into the city XD

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i personally love meeting up with survivors but for the love of God dont pull the old "hay im in cherno ontop of the firestation holding a flare, can anyone see me?" if you want to meet up use direct if it works or add on steam, find a teamspeak server!

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