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Guy livestreaming just alt+f4'd.

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"he had the high ground i had no choice [but to log off]"

what a pussy. anybody got his IGN? lets hunt him.

I had to make an account for this. This Towelliee guy. He was in the server, and he saw the alice pack. his friend tells him its better than the one he has at the moment. then the server restarts and he is saying things like "Fuck my life!" then sees this thread and starts calling people out saying its just a game.

Just start reporting this sad fuck.


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I like how his stupid fans are creating accounts to fight.

He is abusing the game, face it.

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waaah waaah! towlie didnt give me attention on his stream!!! waaah waaah

get out more nob. towlie didnt play the game YOU want so you rage. 1) his friend died. 2) he couldnt find the sniper.

logically you find a safe place and log unless you dont want to keep your shit.


Edited by PeakOfDominance
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Its funny how so many people take this game so seriously. Its just a game get out more get some sun maybe you'll stop be so butt hurt about how different people play the game

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Why are you complaining about it your life must be worthless isnt it? ITS A GAME!!!!! Stop being a little bitch thats butthurt over what i call comedy

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DUDE HE DID NOT Alt-F4 You little bitch He dissconected He has prof that he did And you have none I can't even comprehend how retarted you are

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I like how his stupid fans are creating accounts to fight.

He is abusing the game, face it.

Your acting as if he hacked a fucking chopper into the game

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I like how his stupid fans are creating accounts to fight.

He is abusing the game, face it.

Why are you so upset son?

Did he take your food stamps?

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I like how his stupid fans are creating accounts to fight.

He is abusing the game, face it.

Do you have proof? IF not then you are in the wrong, why don't you get your facts right or you face the facts. I watched the video as someone else said to do.. why don't you watch the video? Afraid to face the truth? Afraid that you're wrong? If not then go watch the video.. OR you can shut up and stop being a troll.

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how does someone aborting from a server affect you in anyway? if you are getting this upset over a few pixels you need to go outside more and possibly seek professional help. It is not the streamers fault your mom never loved you enough as a child now you need attention

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Holy god. Can we get a moderator to lock this sorry excuse of a de-railed thread?

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You do realise that when you put


under what you write, it doesn't make you look intelligent or different, it just makes you look pretentious

never fails

on topic...

D/Cing to avoid combat is a bitch move.

Edited by Dingus

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When PvP is initiated by either party players should either - fight back and die - or run away but crucially, just stay in the game whilst you do it not run 100m and pussy out behind a wall.

I love how he is going on and on about how he didnt disconnect he just aborted and that that is his "playstyle" so people should STFU. Your not playing the game man your *leaving* the game at the first sign of trouble...

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I like how his stupid fans are creating accounts to fight.

He is abusing the game, face it.

How does one stream and provide entertainment to others abuse a game? Lawls someones mad

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Dude when I was in WW2 I would never Alt-F4. I would dominate like I do in WOW. PVP 4 life.


#2 cause that's when I really dominate.

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So, was that your cache of goodies Towelliee stumbled upon? How did you accrue all those goodies? You opened fire killing his buddy, he jumped in a truck-you flattened the tires-, as he drove away the vehicle stopped. He jumped out exclaiming 'f you all i've got pride i'm not logging out' he began to evade and DC'd in the process.

There was no intentional leaving of the fight. Can you provide evidence to the contrary? It seems incumbent, upon you the accuser, to produce evidence. Absent that evidence you then simply sound like someone crying about what you ASSUMED to have occured. The reality is, you were and are incorrect in assuming he left the server via intent.

Now, it makes sense you might think that from your vantage. I understand that. But, you're hypothesis of what occurred was wrong and, again, it is up the the accuser to provide evidence or proof or simply STFU and GTFO. Goodluck bro.

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never fails

on topic...

D/Cing to avoid combat is a bitch move.

Complaining about a person that did something in a $20 dollar game, is being a bitch. Lol xD

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