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Looking for new member

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I'm Ivan and go by Argentino0 in game. I'm from Las Vegas NV and currently in the US Air Force. I been playing dayZ for about 2 weeks now and I still feel like a noob. I recently started playing with a friend that i met on a different game and trying to teach her everything about dayZ is not easy. We are peaceful but when it comes to finding other players we come across to many that are out to just kill making us very weary about killing others that come across. I'm looking to find at least one or two person to join our group in our quest of zombie killing and finding vehicles. Would be nice to find someone patient and mature who just likes to play for the fun rather than skill. If interested send me a message!

Also please be on the west coast. We usually play around 5 30 pm to whenever we get tired.

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Sounds too casual for me, and not shooting first? Way too risky.

You wont achievie much in the game by playing like this, but I guess everyone has their own definition of what fun is :)

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Hey, Im 15 so i probaly wont fit. I've been trying to find someone with all the characteristics as you. I got decant weapons and a hidden base camp. I would have to talk to you on skype or teamspeak, I dont mean to sound like a dick but if you and your friend have had any valuable stuff you know what i mean. i can play till 2:00 tonight and am on quite a bit. If you are intrested in teaming up go ahead and skype me at: andrew.minnella

Thanks hope you can

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Hey, i'm on the East coast, but i tend to be awake late into the night anyways. like i'll probably be up all night if i can find someone to play with.

i'm 22, fairly new as well, much like yourself. i've got the basics down.

add me on skype if your interested: ultimagrant

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hey i want to play i can play until whenever we decide to quit for the night if you want to add me on skype my name is :BRAVES1612

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Hi, my names Andrew. I'm 22 and I'm out in Colorado Springs, CO and I'm Army. I'm looking for people to play with that are willing to learn and take the time for a long trek. I personally have no issues killing people, especially if they are equipped with assault rifles but I'd prefer to remain concealed then open fire. My Steam ID is UndeadMerc89

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By weary i didnt mean to say we dont shoot first. It just depends on the situation. There are times where i do feel the urge to go and kill someone and other times where we just wanna be safe. Times where if we see too many of them with weapons we rather stay low rather than go out and attack. If we are in a situation were we can take them of course we would shoot first. When seeing someone just minding their own business we just rather not bother as we would like them do the same to us. But truthfully they probably would come shoot us :P

Over all it depends on the urge to kill or stay alive to protect the good stuff we have i guess.

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Im looking for players to team up with as well. I live in TN so my times online wouldnt be to far off from what yours are. I generally play in the evenings. After 4pm. Im a mature player. Enjoy playing the game. Have a Steam account that dayz is linked to. My Steam name is 0megastrain. Also have Team Speak account. Id have no problem joining up with you and supporting your team.



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Nellis AFB bud? I live in the Henderson area. :D

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