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To the TGC clan on US 262. <3

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This is specifically to Ian Cromwell and TGC Yukkimura.

Dear Yukki, grow some balls :) You get shot and immediately ALT F4 out to save your sorry ass. You then get on the bat phone and Ian logs on his second account to bail you out after you jumped to a different server and ghost me.Yes, I didn't get you, but I did get Ian :) Because apparently you can't kill anyone legit without wearing that Alt and F4 key out XD

Take a hint.

Get better at the game and you don't have to kick people from the server and then BAN them after they kill your clan mates. I won't bother with an appeal or a report because nothing can be done about garbage players like you who abort at the first sign a bullet comes anywhere near them. But I will make this wonderful post and praise how inventive you are that you've figured out how to abort and ghost people who are even remotely a threat to you :D

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Thank you. I'm very pleased I was able to get you to come to this thread and tell me that. My day is now complete, i'm going to go dance in the rain and praise this fact now :)

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