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Please don't tell me...

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...that I'm stuck here without my gear.

I was teleported to this place with the rest the players in the server to some place. They all looked like they had no gear.

I QUICKLY alt+F4ed.

I'm obviously assuming it was a hacker.

Has this happened to you? If so, what exactly happened to your character?

EDIT: SO I have all of my gear, but I'm on Drakon island without any way off unless I swim.

Is there anyway to swim without losing my backpack?

Edited by Inception.

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It was a hacker. You're stuck there and will die.

Edited by Vitdom

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It was a hacker. You will die.

Speed up the process by throwing a grenade, setting a bear trap etc. and respawn.

No, I'm not dead. I just spawned back in on another server.

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try it ;) and yeah looked like a little deathmatchscript :) love these ones. Just DC - other Server - run some meters outside - join server - wait till all a dead - dc - run in - loot :) only annoying if your full equiped.

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You can swim without losing items. This was changed a while ago in the beta patch. So you should be safe to swim unless the server admin changed it in the config files.

Edited by cpstörd

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You can swim without losing items. This was changed a while ago in the beta patch. So you should be safe to swim unless the server admin changed it in the config files.

Oh really? Thank you so much!

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