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"Lost" Alice

Is Mountain Dew bad luck?

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Found my 8th mountain dew today in the church in Pushtoshka, where I've found 3 other mountain dews before.

I've always managed to stay alive for at least a week, and I usually only find mountain dews one or two days after spawning, and never in "end game", except when I loot someone's vehicle, body or tent.

I usually try and save them for last, as a "prize" for whoever may kill me, so my priority is most often (in drinking): Water Bottle, Soda Can(Coke), Soda Can(Pepsi), Soda Can(Mountain Dew).

I don't feel any misfortune about the mountain dew. Well, I feel a little sad after drinking it, as its supposed to be some sort of token to newbies, if they ever happen to kill me! :D

(I do usually approach strangers slowly if they show signs of being friendly - otherwise I avoid gunfights at all cost. Current humanity in [lingor islands]: 30.000~ish)

update: 27.500

Some players got me pinned down, and I had to shoot my way out of it...

Edited by TheTamsen

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When I found my only Mtn. Dew, I kept it in my bag. Me and my friend went to raid the NWAF, and got a shit-load of graphical artifacts, then were sniped while we were looting the second bunker.

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Near where I make camp there is an old tent, abandoned near as I can tell. Every time get on DayZ I swing by and guzzle the can of Dew contained therein, which magically appears every morning, as if placed there by some Xtreme anti-tooth fairy.

It may be that REAL (non-tent duped) Dew is deadly, but I'm going on 16 days survived and have been swilling that sweet asparagus piss colored elixir on a daily basis.

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me and a friend was scavenging in cherno. then suddenly a random guy started talking on his mic. asking if there were anyone in the church. we said yes and aimed on the door waiting cuz we knew if he would start shooting one of us would have got him and still keep the gear. luckily he was friendly and the 3 of us scavenged more of cherno. when we came to the bars around there i was killed by a sniper. i was lucky and spaned close to cherno again and got back ang got my gear. but right after i collected my gear the guy who shot me, attacked us again and he killed this random guy who followed us. he logged of in rage and we looted him. in his inventory he had Mountain Dew. i had never seen or heard about it so i took it and did not drink it.

Short after like 10-15 mins or so this guy came again (note: we killed him the second time he showed up) and killed my friend. i was able to get him with a grenade as he was camping outside the bar i was in. i was very happy with that kill. but when i tried to loot the guy he kinda teleported towards me and started attacking while i looted him. he missed at me and i ran inside. he followed and was hiding. stupid as i was i ran to the far end of the buildning and waited. he also waited so i started sneeking but then we met eachother and killed eachother.

all of this happened right after the guy with the mountain dew showed up. damn taht dew

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People say it is but I've only lost 500 blood after drinking a can. Not as cursed as people might have you believe.

Only moderately cursed.

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It very well might be.

The only Dew I ever got was as a relatively fresh spawn, picking through scraps in the store in Elektro, when a heavily geared camo'd guy runs in (had about every belt item, the m16 with the grenade launcher, coyote backpack etc) only to eat a revolver round to the face from me. Naturally I loot everything, involving his Mt. Dew. So it was very bad luck for him.

Shortly after that, while sitting next to some trees in the woods, I was going through the player list muting idiots (server had side chat enabled) and I got shot up from behind by someone with a pistol.

That Dew is no good I tell you.

Edited by Boof

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My friend Matt has a Mountain Dew in his bag. Every single one of us (4 in our group) have been on the brink of death at least twice (passed out in a firefight).

I hope he never drinks it!

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Oh no this is serious !! I am just about to die of hunger, believe it or not, I seached 7 houses and found nothing but pepsis and a mountain dew lately. I got 3900k blood, which means, when I fall in hunger I will loose the rest of my low blood so fast that I am going to die pretty soon I guess.

Mountain Dew I hate you !!

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My current character has been alive since 8/9/12 I have had the same Mountain dew can in my backpack since 8/11/12. (Just to test this theory.)

But since your looking for Stories about bad luck, Here's one for you.

About a week ago I was running to meet up with a buddy of mine who was in Elektro, I stopped in the Pub to get him some supplies, Right next to the counter I see a Mountain Dew can, So I start walking over to it. Right before I get to it, someone run's through the curtain behind counter and pick's it up. So I dare him to drink it, As soon as I heard the Oh-so-familiar Crack-Pop of him opening the can, I shot him in the head.

In my experience Mountain Dew is only bad luck, If you lack common sense.

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this is pretty creepy but.

i was axeing people in Electro and find mountain dew in the supermarket. when i got it and ran out, a guy with an axe comes running at me and i got axed to death.


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