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My experience in the last 2 hours Now in poem form

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Legs broken

arms a shaken

I fear this breath will be the last I have taken

In the Northwest on the Tarmac,

With a horde of zombies at my back,

I hear shots ring from the shadows

I wish I could get, upon my toes

I suck at poetry, He shot me with an AK

and then another word that rhymes with AK

This was what was going through my head as I was rolling around Northwest Airfield trying to find some morphine because my bag ate my last one.

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There once was a bandit named joe.

And off to the airfield he did go.

As he reached the northwest

He was shot in the chest

Now his corpse helps the small flowers grow!


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There once was a bandit named joe.

And off to the airfield he did go.

As he reached the northwest

He was shot in the chest

Now his corpse helps the small flowers grow!


A stealthy survivor called jones

Decided to crawl over some stones.

He thought he was smart

(but you know the next part)

They glitched out, and crushed all of his bones.


I'm here all week - try the fish.

Edited by Bottlerocket
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A hungry young zombie called pete

Loved to dine out on fresh meat

He saw a survivor

And crept in behind her

Her flesh, and her tears, tasted sweet....

Urgh. I surprise myself sometimes.

I can do this all night, by the way.

Edited by Bottlerocket

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A hungry young zombie called pete

Loved to dine out on fresh meat

He saw a survivor

And crept in behind her

Her flesh, and her tears, tasted sweet....

Urgh. I surprise myself sometimes.

I can do this all night, by the way.

This one is strangely erotic

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