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Combat Log Timer when did not combat log

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I got a combat log timer on my clans server and was shot at, survived, ran away, and then I finally logged out like 2 minutes later. now I get a combat logged timer when i logged in. i don't think this is fair because I escaped and did not combat log and don't want punishment. Suggestions?

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Wait alittle longer. That is just to soon. 500+ meter ratios from the guy and not shot at for 30 seems fair.

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30? B/c people can always wait that long. 5-10 min combat log would be good.

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they need to make it so people cant log out till like 15 secs after combat im ok with this

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I got a combat log timer on my clans server and was shot at, survived, ran away, and then I finally logged out like 2 minutes later. now I get a combat logged timer when i logged in. i don't think this is fair because I escaped and did not combat log and don't want punishment. Suggestions?

Engagements last a lot longer than 2 minutes. I've been in tense firefights for 45 minutes. You deserved the timer for combat logging.

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