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Hacking on UK 22

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Hi, I was playing with a buddy of mine on server UK 22 and came across alleged hacker. Name was STBomber. Buddy of mine said that invisible man was killing him (and did). I went to that place with a car and started to look around. The guy went to the car and I hopped in before he could notice. I took screenshots of the car ride and name is visible on the latter scrnshot. I'm the guy sitting on the back seat... You can see that STBombers skins are very odd....




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Yeh, i used to use the server all the time, but maybe not now. I've been killed once by someone with the same blue and white face paint and once killed by someone through a wall, or so i thought, he was probably invisible right next to me. On more than one occasion i have had blue coloured blood when shot, which i assume is down to hackers. But today, everyone in the server (around 30) was teleported into Elektro and there was a bloodbath. I think everyone died, or at least bled out or disconnected. But lots of people lost their stuff, so i probably wont be playing on this server again, it seems to be disease ridden with hacks :/

No idea who the hacker was though, never got a name

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