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Cheater kill the , gj , i go play another game.

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I just got killed by 2 cheater , shooted me under 2 wall gj , where the fun ? dunno.

This game is great but cheater are killing dayz , this is just boring

[b2k]aliman999 and his friend [b2k]white69wolf , dont wanna make a video or doing screenshot , just boring , they r actually playing on LU156 in electro , if u wanna die , gogo ...

Aliman got a g36c Sil , how ? lol ...

see ya on another game with a real anti cheat system -_-

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ok sorry, but i really gotta say more to your post. are you fucking retarded?

do you know what boring means? how is it "boring" when i get killed by cheaters? shooted me under 2 wall? HELLO? IF YOU FUCKING POST SOMETHING ON THIS FORUM; TRY AT LEAST TO MAKE SENSE YOU STUPID PIECE OF HUMAN TRASH; NOW DEINSTALL THE FUCKING GAME.

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You should invest the time you spend crying on the DayZ forums in studying English.

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lol you guys crack me up.

I would say it's not even in the right forum section... Trouble shooting?


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