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Daddy'o (DayZ)

Killed 7 people today, and wounded 4, no DCs

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Look who gives a shit !!! Really you killed 7 noobs and injured 4 not so noobs AND!! :rolleyes:

Pointless thread again, hence song from my last post so your a fucking hero!!! Calling all the heros!!! <_<

Put you DZ-Peen away and get on with the game!!! :|

Edited by Itchy
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Hardly any e-peen to stroke by camping elektro :D

I just wanted to contrast the whine boards with something positive. Also, interesting that you should talk about pointless threads with the quality of your posts! Have some beans.

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You'll either live to see yourself become a bandit, or get bored to tears of sitting in a forest with good gear and shooting zombies. At that time I'll either ask if you're having fun or call you a hypocrite.

having fun killing snipers like you :)

Edited by internetTAB

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having fun killing snipers like you :)

if you can play this game for 100+ hours (or whatever nubmer you consider a long playtime) and just kill zombies we are all happy for ya. for some of us, it is a snorefest, so we go out and seek pvp to get the adrenaline running.

seems you enjoy it as well, you just prentend you are a knight in shing armor and we are bandit scum lol. whatever keeps you happy and fighting back is fine with me :)

Edited by Ganjastar
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I can see how the longer youve played dayz, the sooner you get bored with it, and stop playing all together, or change it up and kill people for sport.

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