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Noob here (Need help, not items)

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I die a lot, just a few minutes ago, I saw a gun in an outhouse, I went to pick it up and suddenly I broke a leg and started bleeding out, ended up just afking until I died, is there a kill command or am I stuck just bleeding out there? Also, how do I lose a zombie? I end up being chased for an hour by a zombie only to pick up a few more while trying to hide in a house. Another question, I find a lot of houses with doors that don't open, are some houses just not meant to open or am I not doing it right? I click the middle mouse button, nothing happens. That's about it, for now. Thanks in advance, hopefully somebody will take me under their wing.

Oops, how do I respawn when I die? I end up closing the game and then finding another server to play to respawn, is there an easier way?

Edited by Kurdah

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1. probably a bug, morphine will fix the leg, if you cant well its best to die.

2. zombies can be lost running into a 2 door building, run in one, and out the other and they lose aggro, a single door building will cause them to bottleneck in and trap you too.

3. not all buildings are enter able, but many are a good sign is to look for broken windows, and eventually identifying whats enterable and what isn't should come naturally

4. and to respawn, when it says you are dead hit ESC then abort, then disconnect until you hit the screen where the players are listed and it says receiving mission file, you enter back in from there

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Thanks, what can i use to break a window?

Does 3rd person not work on all servers?

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You can stop bleeding with a bandage. Broken leg can be "healed" by giving yourself morphine.

There is no kill command.

You can lose a zombie by breaking the line of sight. Going through a bunch of trees and houses will make them lose you.

All houses which have transparent windows are accessible, some houses have only one room which is accessible.

Download dayzcommander.com , it's a useful tool to connect to servers.

Edited by LtHyperion

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the mod is full of glitches that is why you broke your leg. There is no suecide button. You can lose a zombie by zig-zaging up a hill or runing thru buuldnings, also going prone in a buildning may also lose the zombie. Not all buildnings can be enterd, there are a few buldnings you can enter it will take you time to learn witch one that you can enter and open doors to. You scroll whit the wheel and select the option you want by left clicking. You can respawn by pessing escape then abort then disconect and then OK

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I hate to be callus, but: Die more, and learn from it.

1: you have learned to be more careful with doors, and am now more vary when using "arma door logic"

2: you can lose a zombie by breaking Line of sight, and then hiding (stop making noise and moving around) the zombie will investigate the last area he saw you, and assuming you didn't re-aggro somehow he will simply wander off. Or simply move far enough away, while line of sight has been broken.

3: You just have to learn the houses by heart. If you find a type of building you can enter, you will always be able to enter that type of building, no matter where on the map. (same "model" placed over and over again)

4: Rightclicking in inventory and your mousewheel, is how you do most things in the game. Right click in inventory to affect yourself. Mousewheel to affect the world.

Edited by Tweakie

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Pretty much what everyone else said:

The game engine has really strange collision detection, standing too close to moving doors can hurt/kill your character, crawling upstairs, through tight doorways or too close to trees can also ruin your day.

For the zombies chasing you, if you break there line of sight, they will quit chasing, but will continue to search for you. I recommend running up a steep hill to gain some ground, or running through a building that has two openings, also, you can lose them in bushes or thicker forrest, when think you've lost them, hold down the left alt key to look around while you continue you to move one direction. if you dont see them, crouch, it will make it hard for them to pick up your scent.

As for structures, there are only a hand few of buildings that are actually enterable, since all of the structures are just the same ones copied and pasted in all the different villages and towns, you will soon see, the best sign that a building is enterable is that you can see into the building through the windows.


the DayA wiki has a lot of good information, but it sort of ruins the fun of discovering stuff on your own, so be warned

Edited by Hieronymus Josche

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I've given myself a broken bone by trying to pick up an item too close to a doorway and accidentally closing the door on myself. O_o It's very strange... there's also been times I swear I've crawled over sharp rocks and died, but I can't confirm it wasn't a sniper or some such, which it could have been.

Zombies have a hard time staying with you if you run into the ocean, but swimming for too long will make you cold, so use with caution.

I'm feeling pretty good about the game I have going right now... I actually made it to Chernogorsk with my full health intact, and I have a hatchet and a can of Pepsi!

Hey, it's the little things... lol.

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Yea. One time a zombie got mad at me. Then i gave that zombie a pepsi .... Zombies love pepsi

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What has helped me the most, after I learned the game controls and mechanics, was this map: http://dayzdb.com/map#3.048.125 Left click on the map to move it around and use the + or - on the left hand side to zoom in or out (of course!). It shows the spawn locations and if you click on one of the colored dots or squares it will show a rundown of possible spawn items. Actually, if you have the time, check out the rest of that site as it's a very valuable resource for new players.

Just a heads up about your location on the map. Most all of my new spawns have occurred on the coast between Kamenka and Komarovo or between Komarovo and Balota. There is an airfield to the NE of Balota, it's a nice spawn point for military gear and weapons. Check the tower and both hangers. Hope this helps you some.

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