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Oke guys in the next hour there Dead :) Satchel Charge POWAAAH

I'll strap that to your farter and launch you ya balloon.

Edited by WullyBee

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Oke guys in the next hour there Dead :) Satchel Charge POWAAAH

shut up you freak, weve welcomed the chase for the past 3 hours and no one showed, Faggotry
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whats the different from the other million ppl who does that?

trust none, and i mean none exept ppl u know IRL... mean if ya see another player ya better shoot before he does cuz he will kill you...

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The only bad thing is, that even if you had managed to kill them all, because of all the clans "duped stuff" in tents all over the place as they self proclaim, they will get eveything back with ease...... hence them not crying about the prospect of dying.

it is still funny though when groups like this ru in into the wrong survivors, playing the other day, on an american room, there was 6 guys with MzK clan tag....... running through looting a town with my 4 mates, we were all spread out, middle of day, all of a sudden as me and 1 other leaving the town hear a car engine noise, look back to see a car trying to run my friend down (he was also screaming into the mic that a car was trying to run him over ;p), turned just as the passenger got out, and I raised rifle and unloaded an entire clip at that SOB whilst screaming for support, the other guys I was playing with caught up, and started unloading rounds down range, one of which had a .50 we had found on a downed heli, he killed the driver, which then made the other two MzkK fools jump our of the car into a hail of bullets.......

Funniest thing and most intense gun fight, due to .50 call attracting every zombie from everywhere.........so we had guys running from zombies whilst trying to shoot each other, but just going nuts.....

point is though....cleared their bodies and they all were running the same gear....NVG's, GPS etc etc etc....... all the best stuff and all identical = dogey duping pussies who dont care if they die.................

my mates and I are not bandits, however since being screwed by individuals in the past....we have a shoot on sight policy..... and hey it works, have not died in a while now........

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There Raped : Screenies comming! All cars gone + heli boom boom , thank god Satchel charges <3

5-6 murders?

5-6 Vechiles dea

3-4 Disconnecters / ALT + 4

Edited by Jemoeder
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There Raped : Screenies comming! All cars gone + heli boom boom , thank god Satchel charges <3

well played mate ! , we never had any cars though fair enough you got our heli also

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well played mate ! , we never had any cars though fair enough you got our heli also

:) well i spawned in and saw a heli and then we went to elektro to have fun and saw you guys LAWL!

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People like you need to die in both reality and ingame.

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There Raped : Screenies comming! All cars gone + heli boom boom , thank god Satchel charges <3

5-6 murders?

5-6 Vechiles dea

3-4 Disconnecters / ALT + 4

for one buddy, we didnt have 5/6 vehicles ...and if you found 5/6 vehicles then youve obviously been at the wrong camp....

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There Raped : Screenies comming! All cars gone + heli boom boom , thank god Satchel charges <3

5-6 murders?

5-6 Vechiles dea

3-4 Disconnecters / ALT + 4

haha well done dude, no one dc'd though, dead against that shit.

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tbh though....we did take it well..we never backed out (alt F4 ) ...but at the same time its a bit strange when u spawned in ON TOP OF THE HELI , when the heli was right off the map and not at the co ords or where we said.... then to sit in elektro... and mysteriously appear behind some of our overwatch.... hmmmm

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No need to be hating , it's called L85A2 AWS :)and after we killed the guys @ the fire station we knew there's more


Screens :

The Kills :





Satchel Base




And in the end we raped the helicopter I( Clothes are Soldier Clothing found them in a camp )




If It's your base which is most likely ,


Willybee Disconnecter

Guy with ATV Disconnecter ( coudnt get the name on time )

and 1 more at camp d/c

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There Raped : Screenies comming! All cars gone + heli boom boom , thank god Satchel charges <3

5-6 murders?

5-6 Vechiles dea

3-4 Disconnecters / ALT + 4

Yeah well done, although to come on the forum and completely lie saying 3/4 of us disconnected when there were only 5 of us and you claimed to kill all of us?

Vehicles we never had any :)

Fair enough brag away, but don't lie dude ;)

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No need to be hating , it's called L85A2 AWS :)and after we killed the guys @ the fire station we knew there's more


Screens :

The Kills :





Satchel Base




And in the end we raped the helicopter I( Clothes are Soldier Clothing found them in a camp )




If It's your base which is most likely ,


Willybee Disconnecter

Guy with ATV Disconnecter ( coudnt get the name on time )

and 1 more at camp d/c

WP xD lal epic wins. Have some beans.

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well done zwarkatete, why u need too hide the debug monitor though ? ... lol you have a pistol out...when clearly an AS50 and l85 were shooting simultaneously when myself and mr pink and mr purple died.... anyway..we return too the bodies too find nothing but double barrel shotguns and patrol pack on EVERY body.... this is all strange, and doesnt add up somehow...yes fair enough you killed us, but at the same time ... its a bit weird how youre holding a pistol as i said when we died...lol also , appearing behind someone on the hill , when epic died.... it shows someone in the fire station ..... on the screen shots aswell , youre at totally different places too where we died... and there was only 2 of you ... we got eyes on you , tried too flank you , but somehow again you ended up behind us..... anyway...well done

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For the pistol's thats my mark :)

And I have hidden the body's So i dont know why it shows a patrol pack + double barreled shotgun , You might have made that up like the part that you dont DISCONNECT LOL

and the pistol is my trademark :) my symbol

I walked down the hill and saw the guy laying on the ground , NO GHILLIE SUITE

Eyes on me rofl ...

Coudnt take the shot ? oh wait you were trying to log back into the game ;)

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For the pistol's thats my mark :)

And I have hidden the body's So i dont know why it shows a patrol pack + double barreled shotgun , You might have made that up like the part that you dont DISCONNECT LOL

and the pistol is my trademark :) my symbol

I walked down the hill and saw the guy laying on the ground , NO GHILLIE SUITE

Eyes on me rofl ...

Coudnt take the shot ? oh wait you were trying to log back into the game ;)

Btw was it actually you who killed Gee & Epic?

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1.Gees dead body with a double barrel left on his body with a patrol bagpack (all his weapons gone) and you claimed to have hiden the body.

(Also your guys are nowhere near the killzone)


2.Mr Purples body, again lying there with a double barrel shotgun and patrol bagpack and the contents of his inventory identical to Gee's body. (again you claimed to hide the bodies.


3.Mr Pink (myself). Again the body has a patrol bagpack on it and inventory identical to the other two. (you must admit there is a weird chain of coincidences happening here yet again you got rid of all the bodies didn't you?)


I'm not bitter any any shape or form, but why lie and why hide your debug monitor... what's to hide?

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tbh though....we did take it well..we never backed out (alt F4 ) ...but at the same time its a bit strange when u spawned in ON TOP OF THE HELI , when the heli was right off the map and not at the co ords or where we said.... then to sit in elektro... and mysteriously appear behind some of our overwatch.... hmmmm

And in the end we raped the helicopter I( Clothes are Soldier Clothing found them in a camp )

As the soldier clothing is an item only obtainable by hacking it in, it does make your story a little suspect.

edit: Also taking in account the screenshots DaveyP added, it smells fishy.

Edited by Teach
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Well it looks like these guys got what was coming for them, shame, otherwise me and some friends would've paid them a (legit) night visit ;) NVG's, SVD Camos and Ghillie suits. Oh and you should've probably checked your chopper for Satchel Charges before flying off ;D

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This thread makes me happy I jumped off Heroes or UKHC or whatever, actually. Just in time by the looks of things.

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No need to be hating , it's called L85A2 AWS :)and after we killed the guys @ the fire station we knew there's more


Screens :

The Kills :





Satchel Base




And in the end we raped the helicopter I( Clothes are Soldier Clothing found them in a camp )




If It's your base which is most likely ,


Willybee Disconnecter

Guy with ATV Disconnecter ( coudnt get the name on time )

and 1 more at camp d/c

Good show, this may be something to do with me finding 6 dead bodies in Elektro and the tent base in flames? :D

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