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Stay away from these guys

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The {Heroes} clan working on UK666 are so decieving, stating that they are friendly but aren't what they seem.

Joining them after killing one of their guys and we all run good, then they start getting shady.

Then when they get a chopper they let me in, drop off at dock and shoot me.. *Accident*

Now I go again with them, drop off again and raid a base and what do you know? Shot, again.

Just don't go near them, they are pathetic and even try to cover up what blatantly is an attack.

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You should have regrouped and massacred as many as you could when the chance came. That would have a better end to the tale :)

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LOL... Straight to the forums crying booohoooooo..

You got shot in a game where you should trust no-one!

Yes you were takin out, why? Cos we don't trust you.. simple.

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LOL... Straight to the forums crying booohoooooo..

You got shot in a game where you should trust no-one!

Yes you were takin out, why? Cos we don't trust you.. simple.

Yeah a lone guy playing with a clan with several people is probably going to do something stupid and risky.

Or wait, he probably won't.

Sounds more like you guys are bullying people in stead. Now shooting people is fine, but proclaiming to be friendly and then dicking around for the power trip is pretty lame.

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LOL... Straight to the forums crying booohoooooo..

You got shot in a game where you should trust no-one!

Yes you were takin out, why? Cos we don't trust you.. simple.

Actually, it's quite funny to hear that from someone whose siggy says "Play fair or don't play at all".

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I know where your base is guys, be weary ;)

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See if everyone actually knew the full story.... The OP (Taylor) has actually been playing with us for weeks, he was shot for a reason, we don't trust him!

So before everyone comes with there 1 guy that's unfair blah blah get a grip of yourselves.

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What part of it is unfair?

Shooting the poor fella when he's obviously not trying to be against you. Twice.

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I know where your base is guys, be weary ;)

thats our OLD base that got comprimised weeks ago mate, stopped for food and drink lol

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Ha. with fals and others? Sure.

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You know where we have a couple of tents on a massive map, get over it, we've just taken all the good stuff out of the tents so girfuy. Enjoy your franks and beans, 3 epi pens and a few flares.

Edited by WullyBee

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Bah, kill me once, shame on you. Kill me twice, shame on me. <-- it's just that simple.

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I know where your base is guys, be weary ;)

Our base, it's more of a community server base considering everyone knows it's there!!

btw everyone it's just north of Ulsha

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Yep, and know the full story? I've been shot by you guys alot of times, and shot you only twice.

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And sorry it's not Heroes any more it's [uKHC]

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Yea, but when someone has a chance to blow you to shit with an AS50, and doesn't take it? Sure, evil.

And you dick around but If you just said, "Yea we killed you, be weary next time" Instead of picking me up again when I had nothing and doing it again? Dickheads plain and simple.

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Yep, and know the full story? I've been shot by you guys alot of times, and shot you only twice.

Only twice? lol, Only twice enough not to trust you so go cry elsewhere

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Gee, seriously I fucked you over when you shot at me before so go exclaim to someone who gives a fuck about how much of a marksman you are.

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