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Instantly Kicked

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Everytime I join a server from the lobby I instantly get kicked I don't even have a chance to get in, this is happening in every server I join.

I'm using Six Updater

Version 1.62.95417


Anyone know a solution to this, yes I bought the game, and yes I have both Armas.

I'm sure I'm not globaly banned because I do not hack and haven't been on DayZ for 2 weeks. or so.

And I just tried to join a server with the same Version and DayZ version and still kicked.

Edited by ChinWooMan

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There was a battle eye update I believe, it could be related.

Can you join servers via arma instead of six?

Edited by smasht_AU

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I personaly hate using Six Updater. Installing Dayz and the beta patches manually is just so much easier to do without getting any stupid problems.

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Dayz commander is pretty good

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I can't run CO on steam because a run.cmd thing pops up and takes out and nothing happens. Anyone have the link to DayZ Commander?

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Dayzcommander.com I think

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If you can join a server, its not the Six Updater Fault.

Try and update battle eye, six update only updates DayZ... if Iam not wrong here

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Ok, I'm using DayZ Commander ran t joined a server as soon as I was gonna join, "You were banned". What the hell? Why am I banned?

Edit: Where do I update my BattleEye since I think that's the reason I'm getting kicked?

Edited by ChinWooMan

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