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Lingor Island to be the next official map release? Clearly the people want it!

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I have been seeing more and more Lingor Island servers popping up here and there. I think the near future would be a GREAT time to release a new "official" map. It would keep some of us interested while the devs continue to make this game great. It would potentially slow the rate at which people are leaving this game. Just my .02

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I wasn't aware there was a rate at which people were leaving the game. Some people try it and then realise it's not for them but in general the amount of players is increasing.

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And the team has to come up with something else about merging the two areas. Maybe they can add ferry service, or secluded Lingor island way way south from Chernarus, or just a button that lets people switch places as many as they like.

Releasing a new map is not top priority for now. Face it.

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I really want to try Lingor Island, however do believe issues need to be fixed in DayZ before mass introduction to Lingor.

DayZ will never suffer If there is more choice for players and this will spread out the fan base offering less problems and more gameplay.

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I am also looking more foreward to a brand new map, for instance, when the dev team finished and ported it to the arma3 engine, they should try to build another map like chernarus, may with some more intresting places like mountains swamps and stuff like that, but basically in a climatic zone which looks familiar to most players.

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I simply CANNOT be the only person who could care less about another map. If you make Chernarus perfect and function flawlessly in the scope of what the mod/eventual game is trying to be, It will be absolutely amazing. I would rather the team add more enter-able buildings in Chernarus than start work on something new. A seamless experience is what I want, not a bunch of "do-overs" in the form of additional maps.

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Lingor is not overly suited to day z, but it is keeping me interested while the many kinks get worked out.

Edited by cragzeek

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The only thing remotely attractive about Lingor, for me, is the every building enterable thing - and that's coming with standalone anywy.

The Lingor map is even buggier/glitchier than Chernarus.

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If they start using this map as well. Better make sure the players cant switch between maps in 1 lifetime.

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I wasn't aware there was a rate at which people were leaving the game. Some people try it and then realise it's not for them but in general the amount of players is increasing.

The "players in last 24h" is declining. That's not even including people like me who still log in nearly daily but don't really play like they used to (maybe hop on for 10 minutes before a hacker comes by and then realizing I'm an idiot for even trying and logging off).

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Please provide the relevant link to the evidence that shows a substantial or significant decrease in the DayZ playerbase, over a set period of time, which would indicate that people are leaving the game at a worrisome rate.

Oh wait.

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If I remember correctly, Rocket has said in interviews that he saw Chernarus as a possible starting map and that leaving the Chernarus map area would eventually lead you into other maps/areas.

Personally, the off map area of Chernarus is almost the same size as the current playable area, and I would love for the playable area to be expanded into the offmap area, with new towns, roads, cities, rivers, and bridges added.

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Please provide the relevant link to the evidence that shows a substantial or significant decrease in the DayZ playerbase, over a set period of time, which would indicate that people are leaving the game at a worrisome rate.

Oh wait.

I don't give enough of a shit to take screenshots of the "players in last 24h" stat on the main page, but it went from 200k to 180k; also this was starting from an INCREASING trend, so it SHOULD have gone up to 210k+ and instead fell to 180k. New uniques seems to still be rising via word of mouth etc, meaning there is less (read: no) retention, AND longtime players are quitting.

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I simply CANNOT be the only person who could care less about another map. If you make Chernarus perfect and function flawlessly in the scope of what the mod/eventual game is trying to be, It will be absolutely amazing. I would rather the team add more enter-able buildings in Chernarus than start work on something new. A seamless experience is what I want, not a bunch of "do-overs" in the form of additional maps.

this. i want every house to be enterable if possible.

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I don't give enough of a shit to take screenshots of the "players in last 24h" stat on the main page, but it went from 200k to 180k; also this was starting from an INCREASING trend, so it SHOULD have gone up to 210k+ and instead fell to 180k. New uniques seems to still be rising via word of mouth etc, meaning there is less (read: no) retention, AND longtime players are quitting.

that doesn't really mean they are quitting... sometimes i can't play every 24 hours. That number is going to go up and down constantly. It would probably be more accurate if it were number players in the last week.

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And the team has to come up with something else about merging the two areas. Maybe they can add ferry service, or secluded Lingor island way way south from Chernarus, or just a button that lets people switch places as many as they like.

Releasing a new map is not top priority for now. Face it.

Would be pretty awesome if a repairable AN-2 spawned at the NE Airfield and a repairable C-130 spawned at the NW Airfield. Once repaired they could be used to fly south to be teleported to the new map.


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would also be cool if you had a radio you could hear a recorded radio broadcast telling you the coordinates of Lingor and offering safety and such.for RP purposes

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I have been seeing more and more Lingor Island servers popping up here and there. I think the near future would be a GREAT time to release a new "official" map. It would keep some of us interested while the devs continue to make this game great. It would potentially slow the rate at which people are leaving this game. Just my .02

Well even if it was in the tubes, the dayZ team doesn't have the rights (intelectual property) to integrate lingor to dayz.

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The "players in last 24h" is declining. That's not even including people like me who still log in nearly daily but don't really play like they used to (maybe hop on for 10 minutes before a hacker comes by and then realizing I'm an idiot for even trying and logging off).

Oh do me a favour. FFS. Your going to use a statistic for the last 24 hours to prove your point while completely ignoring the overall trend of the last 6 months. Are you a politician?

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