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ScottW (DayZ)

Whats with barbed wire?

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As you can probs see by my post count, Im very new to this mod, actually only played a few hours. My first few lives I stupidly attempted to try and get into a town which I spawned nearby and ended up getting mauled by zeds or falling from buildings :L

Anyway, this time I tried going to a small factory and saw some guy run away from it. So I decided to take a look and there were two dead bodies so I looted them and got a winchester and a M1911 :) I then actually went into the factory and someone had left what looked like an assault gun, loads of ammo, food and water in the tower part but had put some barbed wire across the door so no one could get in.

I was just wondering what the point of this was? Is it possible to actually get pasted the wire if you lay it down? Has the person most likely using this as storage?

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It has many different purposes.

You can defend the house that you're staying in.

You can use it to make a camp.

Most of the time people us it to troll other people in servers.

But if you got a toolkit then you can remove the barbed wire.

He most likely use it as storage but most of the time they go in the woods.

You can't place a tent in a house i think so he can't storage anything there (If you think different please tell me)

It also cool be a trap.

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you can climb over it by pressing V but it only works if there is room for your head, people put wirefence in places like the firestation, so that you cant enter the tower there.. douches all of them >:(

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you can climb over it by pressing V but it only works if there is room for your head, people put wirefence in places like the firestation, so that you cant enter the tower there.. douches all of them >:(

lol look at your sig then look at mine ;)

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Well thanks for the super quick replies :)

So, you can only store stuff over servers and logins when its inside a tent?

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lol look at your sig then look at mine ;)

Well you joined 27 juli 2012, i joined in 13 June. so you stole mine and im going to sue you for 200$ because you broke §7.2 In Copyright and Personal Rights. Have a nice day :wub: (also i've seen your sig before, i just didnt bother to write a post about it ^^, )

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Well thanks for the super quick replies :)

So, you can only store stuff over servers and logins when its inside a tent?

You can use tents to store stuff, but that tent and the contents inside will only be on the server you used the tent on. So if you change to another server, your tent wont be there.

Also you can find a tool kit and cut the wiring down. One of my favorite things to do actually, destroy wiring and sand bags. :P

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Well you joined 27 juli 2012, i joined in 13 June.

I've been playing since i was at work (haven't been to work since march cause i've broke my leg :( )

And only joined this forum cause i occasionally lurked and used to see all these fucktards asking stupid questions and posting stupid suggestions for dayz and i just couldn't take it any more :P

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You can hop over it but there's a chance it will make you bleed and have a broken leg so unless you are near a hospital or have medical supplies do not do it unless a bandit group is chasing you

Also if you're near elektro head to the industrial bit and look for a toolbox they're very handy also head to fire station and get a thing that you need for sandbags

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