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Comparison with COD

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Id like the people who refer to playstyles as COD-style to kindly stop. I go around shooting anything that moves, thats the way I play the game. Im a bandit so eveything is my enemy. I dont shoot people I know. Some refer to this as the COD playstyle. I have never even played COD, but I assume its not an open sandbox on a 225 km2 island where the player is free to do what he/she pleases. I assume in COD you go charging in, guns blazing. That will get you killed here.

I play DayZ like I play BE Warfare i.e. if you are a potential threat, im going to try to kill you... It has absolutely nothing to do with COD or any other crap.

It takes practive to become good at Arma, one cant just come on and after 2 days be able to take on people that have played for years. That might happen in COD or CSS, but not Arma. So anyone that complains about other players killing them.. I put it to them - they are either new or not very good at the game, and so the tears.

DayZ and COD have nothing in common, except now for the whining kids with a massive sense of self entitlement. Im going to keep playing the way I play. But its not like any COD game, its the way experienced people play. Its lonely at the top.

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For some one who hasn't played COD you sure seem to know a lot about how it plays...

Because COD is not popular, because cod is not known for just rushing and shooting, because Cod footage is not online, because the word cod doesn't imply lots of guns blazing. Cod is fun though.

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For some one who hasn't played COD you sure seem to know a lot about how it plays...

Ive played CSS. I assume they are the same type of games, eh

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All this hatred towards games is annoying IMO, many associate games with COD, like what's wrong with COD? It's fast paced, it doesn't compare to the realistic arma series. They're all good games for different moods and mind sets. Why can't people just like all of them? I'm getting sick of people talking shit about COD while praising ARMA and vice versa, too many bashers. Though like I said, well said OP :D

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Yeah, why can't we say it's like Quake 3 or Doom or Goldeneye or Halo? I'd probably go with Timesplitters, cause that game was so underrated but fun.

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Cod style = shoot everything?

How about battlefield style? Or any game style that's first person? You kill the threat. In DayZ the threat is pretty much everyone that moves, exception friends which you don't shoot.

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What I dont get is why everyone things COD is shit, yet it's a meelyon-meelyon dollar franchise, and extremely popular with numerous recognised awards. Sure, it has its flaws, but it must be doing something right.

It's the same elitism that thinks World of Warcraft player are all slackjawed 12 year olds with diabetes and foul mouths. Yet WoW has millions of players, granted its a bit like crack cocaine but still.

Just because something is popular, and some of the players are mongs, doesn't mean that everyone is like that.

I play COD, well used too before I got a bit bored of it. I play WoW too because It's laid back and good to waste time. I'm nearly 30 and a professional, in fact im sat at my desk now because i've done my work for the week and can afford to spend time pissing about on a forum.

So please stop being hipsters, just because you like something niche doesn't make you better people. That stick wedged up your arse does not give you the right to look down on other players, if anything it makes you seem quite pathetic.

Not everyone that fires a gun at you is a mindless 'Call o dooty' player, and to be fair, you probably deserved it.

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I play COD' date=' well used too before I got a bit bored of it.[/quote']

Ive played Arma and the like for 10 years. I have never got bored. Every game is unique and brings new suprises. A game of warfare today is totally different from the way it was played 2 years ago or even 2 months ago. The players and commanders have evolved their styles and continue to change.

So please stop being hipsters, just because you like something niche doesn't make you better people.

Pff.. please.

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OMG,my nub is taking some initiative :D :D

Thanks for honouring us "old players" :D

One guy yesterday started crying because i chased him during pitch darkness just using sound :D

@Bayers: PM me for a master trick with this mod,i am sure you'll like it :D

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OMG' date='my nub is taking some initiative :D :D

Thanks for honouring us "old players" :D

One guy yesterday started crying because i chased him during pitch darkness just using sound :D


Oh god, its you... :D

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I play COD' date=' well used too before I got a bit bored of it.[/quote']

Ive played Arma and the like for 10 years. I have never got bored. Every game is unique and brings new suprises. A game of warfare today is totally different from the way it was played 2 years ago or even 2 months ago. The players and commanders have evolved their styles and continue to change.

So please stop being hipsters, just because you like something niche doesn't make you better people.

Pff.. please.

Not quite sure why you replied to that point specifically but i'm glad Bayers that Arma holds such glee for you, even though I didn't bring that into question at all. Good times.

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I agree completely. COD is obviously doing SOMETHING right.. The franchise would not have continued this far if that wasn't the case..

What I feel most people complain about, bandit wise and thus forming comparisons to COD, is being shot when they are clearly not a threat and most likely do not possess any items worthwhile to the person who shot him/her. When someone doesn't even bother to check the loot when say, they sniped them from 500m away and they were carrying a Winchester per say.. It does bother me a little. And I can see the reasoning behind it, most of the time people are bored and they already have very good equipment.

But (this is what I do when I have good equipment) isn't trying to kill those preying on others more fun? I personally love hearing about some sniper in chern/elek and making it my mission to hunt this bandit down. The reward from liberating a city from a gutless fellow makes me giddy at times. Just a thought, not saying to get rid of pvp and what not but it sure does add a level of excitement..

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I agree completely. COD is obviously doing SOMETHING right.. The franchise would not have continued this far if that wasn't the case..

It's called "catering to the lowest common denominator." There is no correlation between quality and popularity. The Billboard Top 40 and NYT Best Sellers list are ample proof of that.

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Quality in the entertainment world, be it books, games, movies etc is entirely subjective to ones own opinions. Some people think Citizen Kane is the best film ever made, I think its boring as shit. Everyone has their own tastes, and if a company manages to make something massivly popular its not just the "Lowest denominator" (nice little thinly veiled insult), it's a case of making something popular and of good quality to a large spread of people. Good quality because people are demanding, not because they are stupid enough to accept sub-standard.

Derpyderp you have a fail argument.

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Quality in the entertainment world' date=' be it books, games, movies etc is entirely subjective to ones own opinions. Some people think Citizen Kane is the best film ever made, I think its boring as shit. Everyone has their own tastes, and if a company manages to make something massivly popular its not just the "Lowest denominator" (nice little thinly veiled insult), it's a case of making something popular and of good quality to a large spread of people. Good quality because people are demanding, not because they are stupid enough to accept sub-standard.

Derpyderp you have a fail argument.


You have revealled your true colours now, my friend. You found Citizen Kane boring, eh? Well its called a masterpiece by people brighter and smarter than you. Im sad that you found it boring, but people nowadays needs guns and explosions to keep them interested in a film. I find that very sad indeed.

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I agree completely. COD is obviously doing SOMETHING right.. The franchise would not have continued this far if that wasn't the case..

It's called "catering to the lowest common denominator." There is no correlation between quality and popularity. The Billboard Top 40 and NYT Best Sellers list are ample proof of that.

I don't think I could disagree more with what you just posted.. Especially with the Billboard reference.. I as well as (apparently..) millions of other seem to see some quality in the songs.. I'd have to go with the majority in most cases, US politics... nottttt so much but your comment was (I hope) written with little effort because you must have one shitty attitude if you cannot recognize something dangling this close in front of you..

Good day sir.

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You have revealled your true colours now' date=' my friend. You found Citizen Kane boring, eh? Well its called a masterpiece by people brighter and smarter than you. Im sad that you found it boring, but people nowadays needs guns and explosions to keep them interested in a film. I find that very sad indeed.


And you just validated my point about snobbery -perfectly-

Because my taste and opinion differs, I am immediatlly reviled as stupid and ignorant.

So if I said I held Bladerunner as one of the most creative films ever made, or presented Battleship Potemkin as an example of excellent craftmanship would I be equally stupid? The key point in my reply was 'I think', my opinion, not dictating 'It is'.

if you judge peoples intelligence based solely on what they prefer to see for entertainment then you are a narrow minded fool. Even the fucking Queen likes soap opera's on the telly.

You started this thread berating people for the comparisions, yet did exactly the same thing yourself.

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Could not agree more with you haha :P They say great minds think alike..


Are you seriously that arrogant? Who the fuck are you to judge intelligence based off of a fucking opinion of a movie.. Get of your high horse Napoleon..

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To be fair, Napoleon was a charismatic, extremely intelligent man and great leader.

Hardly a fair comparision.

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Damn those pesky Wolfensteiners! :D

(Just having some fun, everyone should be free to play the game the way they want except cheaters/exploiters.)

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And you just validated my point about snobbery -perfectly-

Because my taste and opinion differs' date=' I am immediatlly reviled as stupid and ignorant. [/quote']

Well yeah. If you play/used to play a lot of COD and find a film that tops the lists of greatest ever film for the past 50 years boring, then you are not putting yourself up there with the big thinkers, so to speak.

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...its not just the "Lowest denominator" (nice little thinly veiled insult)' date=' it's a case of making something popular and of good quality to a large spread of people.


Creating something to be accepted by a "large spread of people" is catering to the masses. Your argument is my argument. Thanks for your support!

BIS, on the other hand, did not create the OFP/Arma series for the everyman. They created it for those who were looking for something more. Arma is complicated, difficult, glitchy, and demanding - a testament to the community that has grown around it. Another good example is Project Reality - here is a community that has grown around a mod for a game that is seven years old. How many people will be playing COD4/BF3 in seven years? This is about DEPTH, not sales. Look at the Billboard top 10 for 2011. How many of these people will we still be hearing from in, say, five years? This is the nature of popular culture - create or latch onto a trend, push as much product as you can until the next trend comes along, repeat until you burn out and disappear. It's junk food.

Citizen Kane was great, by the way, not because the story was so interesting, but because the cinematography was ground-breaking. The film is full of shot composition that no one had ever tried before, but which is commonplace - even banal - today.

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