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I was playing today, killed a bandit that was attempting to kill me and I seen an icon that I had not seen before (i have only been playing for two days); it was almost like a broken pill, but had two tips on the end. I have seen the broken bone symbol and this was not it. Does anyone know what this was or if an icon guide exists?

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This means the connection to the server is bad. It's not a feature of Day Z.

Edit: Actually, now I know what icon you're talking about. I've seen this new icon my self, but don't know for sure what it represents. It happened as I was shot. It might have to do with the anti-disconnect system or "humanity."

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I don't know either, I know that it is temporary though.. it might indicate a sprain or something.

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That means "disconnection punishment is in effect"

If you disconnect, you will be forced unconscious for 3 minutes while it is active. It is an attempt to control disconnection exploits.

Currently it is local to the server, the code has been developed to roll it out between servers but it has some bandwidth and server query impacts that are undesirable so it will wait for Joel and new Matt to finish rewriting my C++ app into something more agreable.

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I seem to remember getting that a few days ago after I fell out of a Deer stand.....

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I seem to remember getting that a few days ago after I fell out of a Deer stand.....

Yes, you're also a player. If you cause damage to yourself it will punish you if you try and avoid the effect of that damage.

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I get that icon when being mauled by zombies or when i fall a considerable height (without disconnecting), taking painkillers removes it for me.

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