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Am i right in thinking player count is dropping??

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I recently upgraded our server to 50 after 40 was proving to be not enough. Since doing so and with the high level of cheating, hacking scum that now seem to populate the entire EU servers of DayZ i have noticed a significant drop off of in players through the day and at night. I know there are more servers but does anyone else find that filling up a server can sometimes be hit and miss?


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Yes, at this moment lots of people are fed up with hackers and simply stopped playing until situation clears out. Had same issue when i hosted regular server.

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Actually, were trying to NOT fill our server. I would rather it empty to be honest. However, you are correct good sir.

When we first bought our server our numbers would stay up in the 30's, now they rarely ever hit 20.

Honestly, Its getting boring. You run for hours trying to find a car.. that is never at the spawn points. Buddy and I drove around the entire map for 3 hours looking at vehicle spawn points we came up completely empty handed. Now granted, we already have 1. offroad truck, 1 bus, 1 hatchback and 1 GAZ. But there should be a ton more to be had if im not mistaken.

Waiting 7 days for a crashed helicopter to spawn in just sucks. In the mean time we have managed to barb wire and hedge hog an entire city.. LOL>> BORING!!

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Yeah ive noticed a huge drop since the .4 and the airfields graphics bug... was getting 25+ now barley get 10.

I also have stopped playing as I can't see where I am going most of the time = waste of time.

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Yeah i'm having to constantly flush the graphics when playing now as dead soldiers and barbed wire always give off this effect


And this one from Glastonbury on the Pyramid Stage


But the biggest problem lies with these hackers! As an admin i'm finding it increasingly hard to find and track who is actually cheating, with the size of the map it's hard to get a photo or video of someone you suspect is cheating. Something like CS or CoD it's quite easy to spot with the maps being small but the grand size of this game it's just impossible! It's even more disheartening for the guys who play on my server, being teleported and then turned into a frigging goat can be laughable but after a while it tends to piss oneself off.

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I used to play like 5 - 6 hours a day... Hackers and graphical glitches kind of made it less fun I think.

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Yes, at this moment lots of people are fed up with hackers and simply stopped playing until situation clears out.

FRAPs or it didnt happen. Most lousy players always call hacks when they get beat.

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FRAPs or it didnt happen. Most lousy players always call hacks when they get beat.

Ah a whiny little hacker makes his appearance. I'm glad people like you don't actually read anything. He wasn't "beat" by anything. The hackers are making people not play this game anymore. It has nothing to do with getting shot in the face in cherno and everything to do with being teleported to thunderdome and being blown away by a full auto 203.

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Get shot by a good Player(s) is no Big Deal...

Killed by a Scriptkiddy in any Way is shit...

Thats it, theese Kids ruin the Game.

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Same here. Usualy after work hours server was full all the time.

I check the whole list almost everyday and the server that are full can be counted with one hand.

That's why I'm also a bit suspicious how and where they actually get their unique players numbers from.

I think it's definetely loosing it's momentum. Some is the mods fault, some the hackers, and some the players themselves who spoiled the expirience with loot maps and dupe their way through the game.

Especially the last thing is true. Imagine you only work with the printed or ingame map (meaning you need to find one first). Have no knowledge of what spawn where, Never dupe. Server hoping is not possible. And gun or hightech loot is waaaayy rarer.

I've seen tent cities with a massiv amount of loot that should be rare as fuck and I'm thinking to myself "what are you doing? You destroy your own adventure".

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Of course the population is dropping. DayZ is being killed by the hackers and the glitchs. It wont be long before the players just move onto something else and that will be the end of DayZ. I know its Alpha right now and all, but a game generally only gets one chance to make a splash. And if DayZ is known as the game full of hackers.. Then yeah people are just going to move onto other, better things.

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Well some how we had the server maxed out last night, didn't want to do a server restart in fear of people not coming back. All was going sweet till some arsehole scumbag put the entire server into the ocean then onto the thunderdome....


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Well some how we had the server maxed out last night, didn't want to do a server restart in fear of people not coming back. All was going sweet till some arsehole scumbag put the entire server into the ocean then onto the thunderdome....


server log files are your friends ;) at the moment we're figuring out whats what in them like the #60 and #125 stuff but i think we've nailed it as to what to look for and have now a list thats building up... here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63412-uk-22-ban-entries/

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I figured out why the player count is dropping. PRIVATE SERVERS!!

It was so much fun working with my clan mates last night to acquire the helicopter and establish a camp with vehicles. Its even nicer to know that when we get back everything will still be there.

Log back into our server that is connected to the hive this morning and my ATV is stolen and my tent is dumped.

FK the hive.

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Everyday iam getting more servers listed in dayzcommander. Currently 4335. Three Weeks ago there were only the half of them.

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