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Just wanted to ask for some tips for sniping in Day Z.

Been sniping in many other FPS for the last 5-6 years, inc cod/bf3 and many other.

But obviously sniping in Day Z is verry much different.

What I need some help with is, how do I snipe? how do I become a good sniper/spotter in this game, any good ways to practise? Only got that barn rifle atm, kinda sucks as it dosnt have those dots to mesure hight/length etc, Nor do I have a rangefinder.

So, what should I do to improve my sniping skills and are there any ways to mesure distance with that barn rifle?

Also, sorry for asking this, but.....could you mention any good camping spots? :P



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Go to the Editor on Arma 2: OA...just throw down a heap of NPCs, add movements to them as well and you can practice that way. Good camping spot? Hill overlooking Electro...though go there expecting to die, you wont be the only one there...it's more for shits 'n' giggs.

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Yeh, I'm not sure theres any room left on Dobry hill for snipers. You might wan't to find somewhere more original. Also your going to need to learn the mil-dot system or get yourself a rangfinder.

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Thanks, If you dont mind, how does the Editor on arma 2: OA works? I tried it, but couldnt figure out shit =/

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you can download this map : http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=14616

here you can shoot different weapons and get a feeling for sniping in Arma/DayZ

i hope this will help you a bit

Thanks, already have that map, Been playing around there abit, but it feels too "fake" and not hard enough lol :P

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Get a map, a square is 100m. Thats how i measured the distance back then it pretty accurate.

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Been sniping in many other FPS for the last 5-6 years, inc cod

I knew as soon as I saw ''Sniping'' as the title I would see something like this.

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I love to practice with the Lee Enfield. The distance is obviously going to be short range (~400ish meters. My farthest killshot was 416 meters.) but it will definitely help you learn the bullet drop physics. When you can snipe at a teeny tiny dot, see the bullet hit the ground and adjust from there to get a kill, without a scope, you're doing it right.

If you're looking for a good practice spot I would recommend the top of the Elektro hospital. The only real danger is from snipers on Dobry and even then it can be a pretty difficult shot to hit you from there. The air conditioner box things on the roof make for some fairly decent cover. But you should definitely expect to die. It's just a really nice vantage point over the school and surrounding area. The school especially. I use third person to scope the area though so if that isn't your thing, this spot might not be for you. Plus, it's free kills for you when someone thinks they can get easy medical loot on the roof.

I also play on veteran servers so you can't see nameplates/distances. Hope this helps!

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Definatley don't use servers that show names and distances. They completely remove any challenge or skill needed. People that use those really should try without it.

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Definatley don't use servers that show names and distances. They completely remove any challenge or skill needed. People that use those really should try without it.

Yes, exactly this. I can't believe that this is considered 'regular'. Free rangefinders for everyone? With names? Lame!

Edited by Shappie
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Mildot ranging doesn't really work. The measuring gets messed up depending on your resolution settings. At least that's what I've read in alot of the sniping threads on the forum. You need to make corrections to your mildot ranging depending on your resolution settings. Of course, having a Rangefinder is the easiest way... optionally play on servers with nametags which gives you instant-readout of distance to objects, such as cars, players, trees, whatever.

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I would suggest lateral thinking, personally an overabundance of trees has always served me well and thickness never really varies in many games, distance is determined by the width of the tree which corresponds to elevation markers on the sights..

Personally I find this element of making a tiny note and sticking it to my monitor fun but and very effective... Its not for everyone.

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I saw you played bf3 and its pretty much like that, But know the range of your snipers. Like an as50 max range i find is around 600m or so

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sniping in cod & bf3 is not sniping, it's touching yourself.

I'd suggest you find a group & become their spotter, instead of sniping peoples in cherno / elektro, wich is what only retards do. Stary, NWAF are much more rewarding in term of pk, and devil castle is quite fun if you want to hunt some players.

Whenever you can, take a dmr or a m24. The m24 has zeroing & mildot, while the DMR has only a mildot (zeroed at 500m). They also share the same ammo (1 clip of DMR = 4 clips of m24)

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I saw you played bf3 and its pretty much like that, But know the range of your snipers. Like an as50 max range i find is around 600m or so

The m24 and CZ max zeroing is 800m

the as-50 max zeroing is 1600m, and the m107 max zero is 1200m if I recall correctly.

Also, the max rang of the AS is NOT 600m. 1 shotted a guy though a window with my as50, he was 870m away

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I knew as soon as I saw ''Sniping'' as the title I would see something like this.

lol hater, cod isnt a bad game, just a different one. I also said I had played bf3 wich is much different than cod.

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Fastest way to get a lot of practice for gauging your crosshair in relation to your target is to get on vanilla ARMA II and pick a sniper scenario. There are bits that some guns allow like zeroing but it's most important to get a good handle on regular bullet travel speed and the eventual dip first.

If you know much about subtlety you won't need to be sniping many fast-moving targets, making what you've learned from ARMA II transition over more easily.

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Mildot ranging doesn't really work. The measuring gets messed up depending on your resolution settings. At least that's what I've read in alot of the sniping threads on the forum. You need to make corrections to your mildot ranging depending on your resolution settings. Of course, having a Rangefinder is the easiest way... optionally play on servers with nametags which gives you instant-readout of distance to objects, such as cars, players, trees, whatever.

I really don't see why anyone would want to play on servers that identify players and give you an exact distance. Yes it's convenient but it also make you a sitting duck to any noob with a rifle. It even makes Ghillies pointless. I wish every server would turn it off.

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Thread's over. You're not real sniper material.

No. Call of Duty is a good game, yes it's more recent titles arent the quality of earlier CoD titles, but it is still a good game. You cannot reasonably argue that, the sales speak for themselves. The only "issue" is that so many children play it, and that isnt even a real issue.

Quit being a sheep and paying out people that play CoD.

Edited by Bishop7

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Thread's over. You're not real sniper material.

Obvious troll is obvious, or maybe just low IQ. The Call of Duty franchise is among the topseller FPS games of all time. Only because kids play it, dosnt make it a bad game. And fyi, im no "cod" kiddie, mostly played the game for fun and to gank those angry british kids lol

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Honestly, just practice as much as possible. Find a secluded town with some zombies and take potshots at them, it's probably the quickest way, although you won't find zombies more than a few hundred meters away at most, unless there are other people there.

The Call of Duty franchise is among the topseller FPS games of all time.

So is Justin Bieber and McDonald's. That doesn't make them good. :) You like the game and that's fine of course, I just don't understand those that fall back on the 'Millions can't be wrong' defense because they can, in fact, be wrong.

but it is still a good game. You cannot reasonably argue that, the sales speak for themselves.

Oh? I beg to differ. Appeal to Popularity Fallacy.

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Honestly, just practice as much as possible. Find a secluded town with some zombies and take potshots at them, it's probably the quickest way, although you won't find zombies more than a few hundred meters away at most, unless there are other people there.

So is Justin Bieber and McDonald's. That doesn't make them good. :) You like the game and that's fine of course, I just don't understand those that fall back on the 'Millions can't be wrong' defense because they can, in fact, be wrong.

Oh? I beg to differ. Appeal to Popularity Fallacy.


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