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Destroying a huge camp up north (sorry cheaters)

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If you were a better liar, nobody would have cared.

The fact that you still can't loot a ghillie from a corpse, combined with the kind of gear you have and your use of a satchel charge lead me to believe that you're the hacker, and this was some random camp that might have been made by a hacker/cheater.

Now you're changing your story, and editing the OP to try to defend yourself. Your head isn't rolling anywhere. You're just exposed.

Change your forum name, learn to lie convincingly, and post another story like this. You'll quickly learn how few shits people normally give.

For the record, people do occasionally carry around extra ghillie suits. Not to defend the guy or anything, but I found two suits in a corpse's backpack just the other day. Especially now that the ghillie's appear to be a lot more common.

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It's already been said, but damn if I can help myself: Exactly what proof did you have other than camp location? And to be honest, I am not to terribly sure why you shared with so little proof. You took the time to open the bus inventory, which isn't out of bounds...I have found 3 AS50's and my friends have found a couple range finders. All legit. I passed on the AS50s because I like to keep a lower profile, not all boss beast and shit. A guy I play with is torn at that. Wants to be more incognito...but likes the damage...but I digress.

Op, I would have loved to have seen some inventory from the tents to help you prove your case...but right now I just think you're lame. Sorry brother...and yeah...I think it's for fun that you are lame.


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