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Type Set

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About Type Set

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Type Set

    Looking for Vanilla DayZ?

    First off, I just want to say that I love your server. I primarily play on US 520 (which is my favorite), but from time to time I'll hop onto 3480 (such as when it gets dark and no one's around.) That being said, I was on your server tonight, and it was completely full. Then the entire server started getting kicked for setpos #0, and then whenever anyone logged back in they were soon kicked for script restriction #160. I sat in the lobby for a while without logging in, and noticed that the only person not getting kicked at all was a player named Kepler. Finally, time was a little before 01:00 Central time. Hope this gets to you so that you guys can check your logs; I could find any other place to contact you or your admins. Happy gaming!
  2. Type Set

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    One thing that I've noticed lately is that while 99% of loot now spawns on top of the ground textures, I'm still finding a /lot/ of instances where chopper crash loot is spawning below the ground textures. As an example, I found a crash in a hard packed field with practically no grass textures yesterday. From 200 meters, through my scope, I could see all the loot. However, when I got to the chopper, nearly all of the loot was beneath the ground texture, with an occasional edge popping up. Again, doesn't happen every time, but it's something that I've been noticing a lot.
  3. Type Set

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    Honestly, my only dislike in the current patch is the viral zeds. I like the fact that you can get an infection from a hit from a zed, it's neat, and it makes them something to be feared. Granted, I feel that infection should only come from an attack that makes you bleed, but it's still neat. I especially like the idea for having to remember to "clean your wounds" when you've taken an attack that made you bleed. Not only would you have more items you would need to keep in your inventory, but you'd need to manage that inventory even more precisely. It would be especially neat if bottles of alcohol worked similarly to ammunition or glow sticks, having a limited number of uses, but more than one. As I stated, though, I think the viral zeds may be broken. I've put in about thirty hours this week, and had plenty of encounters with both regular and viral zeds. Maybe it's just me, but occasionally the virals stop making noise (at all, not even for movement). I've also had them aggro on me in situations where none of the normal zeds do, which is frustrating. It's nice to fear zeds more than we did for a while; however, I would much rather fear the swarm, and fear huge damage attacks, than fear insta-infection. Just my two cents. Great job on the new patch!
  4. Type Set

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Three times now I've been moving past a town, at least 50 meters out, in the dark, producing 1 bar of noise and no sight, and suddenly have 2-4 zombies aggro on me from the middle of said town. All of them have been viral zombies. I've also had issues where a zed(s) will stop making any noise at all. No movement noises, no zed noises, etc, even as they're chasing, moving, and attacking. Very, very aggravating, because I've been infected by stealth zeds 15+ times in the last two days. Anyone else having issues with completely silent zeds?
  5. Type Set

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Saw that yesterday. Client running on Steam, so I just verified the local content and rebooted steam. Running fine now.
  6. Luckiest: Spawned just west of Elektro. Ran into town, somehow managing not to aggro any zeds. Two dead bodies by the firehouse, one in the firehouse, one in the restaurant, one in the hospital yard, and one in the schoolhouse later, I'm geared with everything I could need except a ghillie and nvg's, and I have a Bison SD with like 4 mags. Best start I've had. Unluckiest: Making a run on NWAF with a friend of mine, he finds a tend with a hacked grenade in it. Decides to throw the grenade to see what happens. It just drops out of his hand and kills us both. Respawn at Krutoy Cap, and using the moon's location to navigate run all the way diagonally across the map. Get beat up pretty bad on the way by random zeds, but I find a map and some food and soda, and I eventually finish my nearly hour long run to the airfield. Takes me forever to be able to access our bodies, but I finally get my stuff back and grab some of his because he's lost somewhere in the south. Start running north to our base, and a pair of zeds aggro on me from nearly the edge of my vision (I'm crouch running in the grass in the dark, mind you). One manages to run up behind me and hit me once, which breaks my legs and knocks me unconscious. I bleed out, and call it a night. Time to rebuild today!
  7. For the record, people do occasionally carry around extra ghillie suits. Not to defend the guy or anything, but I found two suits in a corpse's backpack just the other day. Especially now that the ghillie's appear to be a lot more common.