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Well I see alot of people complaining how Dayz sucks, how zombies are zig zaging..etc..

This pisses me off , people buy ARMA 2 to play DAYZ and then expect the game to be like Call of Duty or BF3.. Well its not.

I played Arma 2 long before Dayz and I never complain if a tree , fence , stone , 10 inch jump kills me. I tend to stay away from things that can get me killed .

A lot of gliches and bugs or things that seem simple as zombie zig zaging is caused by the engine , not by the DAYZ mod.

I've seen people complaining and insulting Rocket because of the looks of the map or animations ...

PEOPLE need to learn that DAYZ is a MOD , check the size of DAYZ and the size of ARMA2 folder.

People need to play Arma 2 atleast 20 hours before they are allowed in DAYZ , to learn how the game breaths .

One of the funniest complains I've yet to counter is when a person flew a chopper and complained about the "wind" pushing him to left and right...Even after I told him its his own fault , because you can just jump in Arma 2 and start transporting people in a chopper , he continued to blame the "wind" ...lol

The only problem right now with DAYz is the Deathmach going on.. No , I am not complaining I love to kill but I personally think the game was made for much more than loot n' kill .

Btw if you hate DAYZ or are sick of it , there are still other mods you might like. Like Chernerus life , ACE or some other kind of zombie mod :)

-Sorry for bad grammar.

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Hello there

There should be no time limit on how many hours a nublet should spend before being allowed to play.

I do agree though that the user should do some research before purchasing a game, I always find out about a game before I buy, perhaps other folk have money to burn?

I think the zigging zombies are daft as any animal brain with go for the shortest rout to their prey, zigzagging is an avoidance tecnique not an attack one.

Lastly, with the glut of hand holding console-esque games on the market it's not surprising people find A2 such a culture shock.



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Completely agree. I find some bugs like the Zombie Zig Zagging and hacking completely irritating, but the DayZ team can't fix them and I understand that. We need to wait for DayZ to become standalone

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The zombie zig-zagging is hardcoded into Arma's AI. It has to do with the flanking of squads exept the zombies are just one unit squads so they move to their weapon range and try to flank you. That will be easily fixed when Dean gets his hands on the source-code.

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Have to agree after playing ARMA & ARMA 2 I have resigned myself to the fact I cant fly helicopters... >.< lol

True though good point!

You haz my beanz!

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I'm yet to actually see someone compare Arma 2 to cod/bf

I only see people complaining about people who compare the games.

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I really don't think COD/BF are an issue. The concept of this game is very different. I think new people (like me) know this before they come into the game from the hype it received. At least I did. I think the only people who even talk about COD/BF are the ARMA players who seem to want to label new players with this tag, no matter what, because they want this game to be recognized as a more "realistic-hardcore game".

Edited by sostronk

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The zombies in the Chernarus Apocalypse mod don't zig-zag.

Maybe the AI could be tweaked or borrowed.

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Hello there

There should be no time limit on how many hours a nublet should spend before being allowed to play.

I do agree though that the user should do some research before purchasing a game, I always find out about a game before I buy, perhaps other folk have money to burn?

I think the zigging zombies are daft as any animal brain with go for the shortest rout to their prey, zigzagging is an avoidance tecnique not an attack one.

Lastly, with the glut of hand holding console-esque games on the market it's not surprising people find A2 such a culture shock.



I'm going to do you a solid right now and help you cope with zig-zag zombies. They aren't zombies they are infected and still have the sense to zig-zag to avoid being shot. TA-DAAA! Now you don't need to worry about your realism immersion being ruined by zom- i mean infected going from side to side.

Get over it, and please, though it might be hard for you, try to understand, realism has no bearing what so ever on a zombie apocalypse game, or really, any game for that matter.#

Further more, I'm going to say right now, that in my version of reality, infected always zig-zag, and i would be deeply upset if they stopped doing so in day z. They zig zag because their brians turned to mush and the fluids slosh around in there sending them off balance occasionally while they are running, for these imaginary creatures to do anything else would be completely unrealistic.....

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I'm going to do you a solid right now and help you cope with zig-zag zombies. They aren't zombies they are infected and still have the sense to zig-zag to avoid being shot. TA-DAAA! Now you don't need to worry about your realism immersion being ruined by zom- i mean infected going from side to side.

Get over it, and please, though it might be hard for you, try to understand, realism has no bearing what so ever on a zombie apocalypse game, or really, any game for that matter.#

Further more, I'm going to say right now, that in my version of reality, infected always zig-zag, and i would be deeply upset if they stopped doing so in day z. They zig zag because their brians turned to mush and the fluids slosh around in there sending them off balance occasionally while they are running, for these imaginary creatures to do anything else would be completely unrealistic.....

This made me laugh... (with you, not at you)

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