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Island Spawn

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Are the islands meant to be spwanable? I have spawned twice out on the islands of Otmel now and I'm not sure if it's a bug or a legitimate spawn. Anyone esle spawned out ther or in random places?

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Only once out of the hundreds of times I've had to respawn have I ever spawned on the island near Otmel. It's either a bug or intended to be extremely rare, and not very practical as far as spawn points are concerned. It takes several minutes just to swim to shore. :/

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Only once out of the hundreds of times I've had to respawn have I ever spawned on the island near Otmel. It's either a bug or intended to be extremely rare, and not very practical as far as spawn points are concerned. It takes several minutes just to swim to shore. :/

Not sure if it's been removed now as I've not spanwed there or heard any friends spawnign there lately. I think it's a good idea to have some island spawn or rarer spawns around the map.

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Its a stupid spawn cause you lose your gear, there are some random spawns such as spawning in Stary Sobor

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You guys know that you can walk from Otmel to land, right? There is a huge shallow part, you just need to find it.

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Never spawned on an island. Would be cool if there were ferries, bridges or shallow part. Not so cool if you have to loose your gear to get to the mainland...

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Its a stupid spawn cause you lose your gear, there are some random spawns such as spawning in Stary Sobor

You mean your bandage and fleshlight? Oh no god, please just not that.

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You mean your bandage and fleshlight? Oh no god, please just not that.

Yes... your


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Last time i died i spawned on on of the little islands by Otmel, and have spawned there before that as well. Didnt lose my backpack swimming to shore this time though, which was nice :P

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Ive spawned on the island near Otmel on one occasion. Not sure if intended or not.

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I usually don't get spawned on an island but when i do i actually find it rather amusing, i rarely get to go swimming in this game.

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My very first spawn was here, I though WTF how do I get to the coast, so I swam over. Didn't know there was a shallow path until I read AussieStig's post.

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