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Noise (DayZ)

Lol @ hack post surge.

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I haven't seen, met or been killed by a hacker ingame. Why? I play dayz sparingly on low populated servers.

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I haven't seen it happening, must not be happening. I thoroughly enjoy hampering my possible enjoyment of the game, in servers with lots of players, because of the chance I might run into hackers. So I stay out of sight in my corner of the server world and laugh at those who don't.

>That's how your post reads to me. Like it or not.

I have no qualms when it comes to the subject, nor have I seen more than 2 hackers in all my time playing. But that doesn't mean I don't acknowledge the issue and how frustrating I'm sure it is.

By the way, LOL at the amount of THESE posts/threads.

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Well sure that works.. we run ran one of the few 100 players server for 2 days. Got nuked and hacked all the time, so we were forced to close it. <_<. What we really would like is to see who killed who, so we can sling the ban hammer right and left. the "x were killed" is just annoying.

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I haven't seen, met or been killed by a hacker ingame. Why? I play dayz sparingly on low populated servers.

Yes, because we can all play in low population servers...

Plus, it'd be boring as fuck just running every where and not worrying about anything, idiot.

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I find it more enjoyable when I'm not shot every 5 minutes.

>but that's just me

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I've been playing this game for at least 150 hours now, maybe even 200, mostly on 30-40 slots servers and haven't encountered a hacker either. Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones or it's not really as bad as people say it is.

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We run a 60 slot server and haven't encountered any hackers yet.

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I haven't seen, met or been killed by a hacker ingame. Why? I play dayz sparingly on low populated servers.

Why "LOL" ? are you a hacker ;)

But seriously, if you knew how bad the problem is the its really nothing to laugh about.

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I find it more enjoyable when I'm not shot every 5 minutes.

>but that's just me

did you play minecraft before coming to DayZ?

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I've been playing this game for at least 150 hours now, maybe even 200, mostly on 30-40 slots servers and haven't encountered a hacker either. Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones or it's not really as bad as people say it is.

I really think it's not that bad as people say it is.

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I really think it's not that bad as people say it is.

See, I don't know about that. I haven't experienced much myself, really anything detrimental to me at all, but it's not hard to find the information. A quick forum browse on general, or a site-wide search yields a TON of information regarding the problems. This is all without even venturing to YouTube, which has more videos on the subject than you can shake a stick at, at the moment.

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Low pop for me is below 7 players, Andrey.

i would find that boring , i like to see people it adds an extra layer to the game ...

been duped by a hacker once but managed to escape after i got teleported

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I find it more enjoyable when I'm not shot every 5 minutes.

>but that's just me

I have a 20 day old character with only 3 murders, I've come across other players maybe 5-6 times at most.

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Hacking/scripting (whatever term you prefer) is a problem, having a head in the sand attitude does not make that less of a fact.

Over the past three days I have been thunderdomed, mass kill & main cities on fire. Last night I was in the arse end of nowhere having got a tad lost whilst just out exploring when a player appears 6 ft behind me and kills me. The most gucci piece of kit I had was bino's as 'that life' was just to explore the map.

All of these happened on various servers, with populations from 40 down to 6 (that was the teleporting behind me incident).

I didn't experience any hack/scripting for over 2 weeks of playing but the last three days speak for themselves imo. I suppose it is a question of luck, given the amount of servers, if your play time runs into that of a hacker/scripter.

Edited by Ben_C

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I came across my first hacker yesterday in an 11 man server... Dropped us all from a helicopter...

I usually find that servers with less than 10 or 11 people are night servers where I get shot endlessly by people with NVGs...

Edited by nfsmwbefast

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I dont know how people are not seeing hackers im seeing them on an almost daily basis now. I used to see them maybe once every week or two now every day on diff servers. Im not exagerating im not making it up why would I bother its a problem.

Playing on low pop servers sitting in the woods only coming out to hunt animals and get water is not my idea of fun and shouldnt be necessary in the 1st place.

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I haven't seen, met or been killed by a hacker ingame. Why? I play dayz sparingly on low populated servers.

Wow, what a dick.

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I haven't seen, met or been killed by a hacker ingame. Why? I play dayz sparingly on low populated servers.

You're not clever. You're lucky.

It doesn't matter what the population is, there are hackers all over the place. Usually it's the high pop servers that get nuked and thunderdomed, but not every hacker does that.

I was killed just the other night on a server with five people. One guy teleported around and shot everyone.

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