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Making DayZ free

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Is there anyways that the DayZ developer make it so that DayZ won't need these operation arrowhead crap? Basically making it free. DayZ developers if your reading this please find a way to make it a standalone or just make it so that you don't need op. arrowhead?

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They are working on making Dayz standalone, im not sure if it will cost anything or not?

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Let's make a Free Game. So the developers don't get paid.

Let's also make it so it doesn't have to use the engine it's based on.

Makes sense.

How stupid are you. Seriously.

Edited by ThatGuyCalledReptile
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DayZ will be turned into standalone game in future.

Rocket posted the thread about this and offered an option so we can decide for ourself.

Making the mod free,one time payment,or montly like WoW.

The game will probably be one time payment similar to Minecraft price/payment system.

Edited by VaultDweller
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Let's make a Free Game. So the developers don't get paid.

Let's also make it so it doesn't have to use the engine it's based on.

Makes sense.

How stupid are you. Seriously.

Thank you took the words from me

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Let's make a Free Game. So the developers don't get paid.

Let's also make it so it doesn't have to use the engine it's based on.

Makes sense.

How stupid are you. Seriously.

Well maybe they can make premium stuff like pets but you need to pay. Seriously, you are one mean dipshit. This is not a flame war post so if your gonna post "stupid" then do that somewhere else your fuck tard. Seriously, all people want these days are flame wars and fucking other NORMAL person's day up. Fuck off, and I hope you change the way you speak, even in the net.

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Thank you took the words from me

And you, go troll somewhere else, you guys are retarded bullies, and fix your damn English. It burns my eyes to see retarded bullies that doesn't even know his or her grammar.

Edited by M4LC0M

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DayZ will be turned into standalone game in future.

Rocket posted the thread about this and offered an option so we can decide for ourself.

Making the mod free,one time payment,or montly like WoW.

The game will probably be one time payment similar to Minecraft price/payment system.

Can you please tell me where that post is?

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Well maybe they can make premium stuff like pets but you need to pay. Seriously, you are one mean dipshit. This is not a flame war post so if your gonna post "stupid" then do that somewhere else your fuck tard. Seriously, all people want these days are flame wars and fucking other NORMAL person's day up. Fuck off, and I hope you change the way you speak, even in the net.

Actually reading some of the forums and paying attention to the community you are a part of, or want to be, would go a long way in keeping people from calling you stupid. There have been innumerable posts about this exact same topic and numerous interviews with rocket (hopefully you know who that is).

The guy meant to call you ignorant I think, because it appears you are rather ignorant of DayZ, its community, and its obvious future.

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Well maybe they can make premium stuff like pets but you need to pay. Seriously, you are one mean dipshit. This is not a flame war post so if your gonna post "stupid" then do that somewhere else your fuck tard. Seriously, all people want these days are flame wars and fucking other NORMAL person's day up. Fuck off, and I hope you change the way you speak, even in the net.

And you, go troll somewhere else, you guys are retarded bullies, and fix your damn English. It burns my eyes to see retarded bullies that doesn't even know his or her grammar.

Can you please tell me where that post is?

Wow you're an idiot, learn to multi post.. Are you hungry for penis-.. I mean post count?

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Actually reading some of the forums and paying attention to the community you are a part of, or want to be, would go a long way in keeping people from calling you stupid. There have been innumerable posts about this exact same topic and numerous interviews with rocket (hopefully you know who that is).

The guy meant to call you ignorant I think, because it appears you are rather ignorant of DayZ, its community, and its obvious future.

Have you seen my new posts? I'm new. I don't have DayZ that's why I am asking them to make it be standalone. I don't know how to play it and I'm not yet a part of t he DayZ community, plus at least he said something less offensive! Your pretty cool, you didn't swear, at least your mature.

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Wow you're an idiot, learn to multi post.. Are you hungry for penis-.. I mean post count?

Epic face palm, another troll? And this one is probably gay. Okay okay, have you looked at my posts? I'm new, so go fuck yourself elsewhere you gay faggot.

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Epic face palm, another troll? And this one is probably gay. Okay okay, have you looked at my posts? I'm new, so go fuck yourself elsewhere you gay faggot.

and your the one calling other people immature

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And you, go troll somewhere else, you guys are retarded bullies, and fix your damn English. It burns my eyes to see retarded bullies that doesn't even know his or her grammar.

I would like to point out an obvious mistake in the structure of your sentence, that should be obvious to even non-english speakers.

"Bullies that doesn't even know."

What you are trying to say is:

"Bullies that don't even know."

Now, please. Before you go about calling other people retarded because they don't agree with how you think and especially before you mock their grammar, make sure your own is in check. I can quote and fix a bunch of other misspellings you have done in your previous posts. Like mixing up the words "you're" and "your."

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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Fun fact; DayZ IS FREE.

Did you read all my post? I said if the developer would make it that it will be stand alone or you don't have to use AO, seriously, read all of it. What, do you want so me kiddy pictures in it so that you will read all of it?

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and your the one calling other people immature

I am swearing because you guys are swearing.

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Did you read all my post? I said if the developer would make it that it will be stand alone or you don't have to use AO, seriously, read all of it. What, do you want so me kiddy pictures in it so that you will read all of it?

Kid you're not getting it. You need it because the engine requires it.

You are an immature little prick who needs to learn to watch his mouth.

Go away and quit shitting up these forums.

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Wow M4LCOM you should be banned off the fourms. Massive disrespect twords other players. Seriously, calm down. Just because people dont search the games and read up as much as you doesnt mean you have ANY right to calm them a fucking idiot. No, be respectful. I have researched a lot on DayZ but I would not call anyone a fucking idiot because they have not read up. Give them the correct infromation and get out.

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Did you read all my post? I said if the developer would make it that it will be stand alone or you don't have to use AO, seriously, read all of it. What, do you want so me kiddy pictures in it so that you will read all of it?

I don't see why you're acting so hostile towards me because of that post.

Here, let me address every part of your message, right here.

Edit; Why are you acting so defensive, anyway? I haven't done anything wrong. Nor have I insulted you in anyway.

Is there anyways that the DayZ developer make it so that DayZ won't need these operation arrowhead crap? DayZ is currently a mod that is in Alpha stage. Most games or mods aren't available for public at this stage. Mods are exactly that; modifications. For now, DayZ will require ARMA 2 and Operation Arrowhead because it uses assets from both games. Rocket has announced that DayZ is planned to become a standalone game by December this year. Basically making it free. DayZ developers if your reading this please find a way to make it a standalone or just make it so that you don't need op. arrowhead? Actually, I think I just answered everything. You're welcome.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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Wow M4LCOM you should be banned off the fourms. Massive disrespect twords other players. Seriously, calm down. Just because people dont search the games and read up as much as you doesnt mean you have ANY right to calm them a fucking idiot. No, be respectful. I have researched a lot on DayZ but I would not call anyone a fucking idiot because they have not read up. Give them the correct infromation and get out.

Wow and you didn't even look at these guys who called me stupid, wow. So your basically telling me that I should be respectful to people that doesn't even respect me. Okay so I should be banned for calling them idiots, but what about the guy who called me stupid in the first place huh? Wow seriously.

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Have you seen my new posts? I'm new. I don't have DayZ that's why I am asking them to make it be standalone. I don't know how to play it and I'm not yet a part of t he DayZ community, plus at least he said something less offensive! Your pretty cool, you didn't swear, at least your mature.

You don't need to buy anything to learn about this game, its all in your face. There are wikis and thousands upon thousands of posts on these forums. As you get older (I'm assuming you're young due to your general attitude and the way you "carry" yourself) you'll learn that most questions can be answered with out raising your hand, so to speak. Read, listen, search, and then do it again. Patience is a virtue that you desperately need to learn. And if you are ever able to buy ARMA so that you can play DayZ you'll quickly learn that your impatience will not only get you called stupid on the forums but will also get you killed (and quite often) in game.

Please to all others reading this thread (if you get this far) stop posting on here, you are wasting your energy.

Edited by kayakinack

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Kid you're not getting it. You need it because the engine requires it.

You are an immature little prick who needs to learn to watch his mouth.

Go away and quit shitting up these forums.

Wow " who needs to learn to watch his mouth" What about you man?! Look at your post to!

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I am swearing because you guys are swearing.

Most of the post here swore one or two times, while your post was about 80% offencive statements, and you went on a rant bashing gays and calling everyone homosexual when there was nothing to even suggest that should be brought up here

Edited by Bromethius
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Wow and you didn't even look at these guys who called me stupid, wow. So your basically telling me that I should be respectful to people that doesn't even respect me. Okay so I should be banned for calling them idiots, but what about the guy who called me stupid in the first place huh? Wow seriously.

Did you even hear the quote "treat people how you want to be treated?"

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