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Has anyone actually died of Hunger or Thirst ?

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And if so could you please give an explanation of what happens prior ?

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I have just for the first time today! Once your hunger or thirst gets to flashing red you start losing heath about 10-20 per few seconds. It takes FOREVER for this to happen. Most uncommon way of dying i think

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Your water bottle or your fork and spoon icon begins to blink, then you gradually run out of blood until you die

edit: i've died this way from accidentally leaving my window open when afk, it was terrible

Edited by Dumah

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I Have died due to hunger yes, but not hunger itself, I was shooting some zombies with my winchester while my food bar was blinking, Praying for a can of any type of food, In which I had passed out for about 15 seconds, and was eaten by zombies (With only 10k blood) before it was over. I don't think a player can directly die of food, but the passing out may kill them at the wrong timing.

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You don't start losing health right away. Once I had the hunger icon flashing and was desperately searching for an animal. Took me a good ten minutes to find one and I was fine.

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Sometimes when I am running around looking for campsites to raid far out in the wilderness I simply forget that I have no more food or water. When the starvation sets in I have such a long way to run back to civilization and then I also have to actually find some food. Only ever actually died from it once though and even that was indirectly because I got desperate and mauled by infected.

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I died of hunger. Your icon blinks for a while, sometimes it looks like its fully empty. After a while you start to bleed until your blood is empty, then you die. I think at some stage I passed out when my blood was low as well. Can't remember, was too busy panicking at that stage. Thanks to thunderdome hack for spawning me in the middle of nowhere already low on food.

Edited by sostronk

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I Have died due to hunger yes, but not hunger itself, I was shooting some zombies with my winchester while my food bar was blinking, Praying for a can of any type of food, In which I had passed out for about 15 seconds, and was eaten by zombies (With only 10k blood) before it was over. I don't think a player can directly die of food, but the passing out may kill them at the wrong timing.

No trust me it is possible lol I was exploring the "wilderness" like the part of the world that isn't on the map and I got lost. So i just sat there untill my food started blinking and my health started slowly going down. Nothing to do with zombies

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i died because i was looking for food because i was starving... does that count

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i died because i was looking for food because i was starving... does that count

Did I speak too soon ?

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Died once from lack of water..running like mad to a lake low on blood, bottle flashing, no food either.. bolted straight past a deer stand and had three zeds on me..couldnt stop to shoot them because i was too low to risk a hit. Fainted , bled out geeting face munched. I was totally unorganised at the time to survive properly. My mate arrived on the scene to rescue me about five minutes later but i was already a new spawn running up from Kamenka. run..run ...run.

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As far as i seen It rly deppends on your starting position (your character creation).

Once i started and simply cound't find the food...like ANYWHERE!

First time died from the hunger.

Bad Karma perk.

Edited by VaultDweller

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I Have died due to hunger yes, but not hunger itself, I was shooting some zombies with my winchester while my food bar was blinking, Praying for a can of any type of food, In which I had passed out for about 15 seconds, and was eaten by zombies (With only 10k blood) before it was over. I don't think a player can directly die of food, but the passing out may kill them at the wrong timing.

You didn't die of hunger, you became part of the food chain. Think of it this way: You saved some poor, starving zombie from suffering your fate. I think that's noble of you :P

And no, I have never died from thirst/hunger. You CAN do so, however, but without an external source aiding in your passing (Zeds, players, you passed out in a road and someone drives by... it happens), it will take a while since your blood drops relatively slowly once your food and thirst hit rockbottom.

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Hunger especially is the main thing I always worry about when playing the game as I seem to always come by drinks more common then food. Ah well just a pack of matches away from being able to kill and cook animals for food.

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I always cook at oil barrels in big cities or industrial areas. You just need to know where they stand and you can hunt just with a knife.

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Yep, I died by it. >.>

Was wandering around the NE Airfield when my bars became aflashin', and I set out to find water and food. Sadly, I'm not Bear Grylls so I couldn't find nothing. Oh well, happy day for the guy that finds my body with an M16A4 on it. ^.^

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I've died of hunger and thirst. It's a funny story actually.

What I learned from the experience is that if you see your canteen and food indicator blinking you still have a good 15 minuets before your blood starts to drop. The blood will drop very slowly and you should still have time to run around and hopefully find food. If I remember correctly the water started blinking red first and caused no blood loss but, when both the water and hunger indicators blinked red the blood began to drop slowly, accompanied by blurred vision and shaking. When this happened it was on an older version though.

and here's the story in case anyone wants to read.

I spawned in a really weird location. I'm not exactly sure where I spawned but there was nothing but rolling green hills and a few mountains. I literally ran for fifteen minutes and still wasn't finding anything, just more rolling green hills and mountains. At that point I decided I didn't want to run through endless fields in a video game so I found something in my room to prop down the W key and set the character to auto-run. He literally ran for over and hour and I just kept checking back every once in a while. I ordered some pizza and the dude was still running when I went to go pick it up. When he finally did start to starve it happened like described above. When I got back with the pizza my character was dead.

Edited by matacks

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I'm pretty sure more people would be dying of hunger if we didn't have that silly map that shows all the loot places... >.>

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I'm pretty sure more people would be dying of hunger if we didn't have that silly map that shows all the loot places... >.>

Ye,internet can be amazing sometimes...

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