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Help report a twitch tv hacker

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Wow, what lame ass. His playername is Limpy Gimpy, db ban him lol

Edited by Suspenselol

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lol "Can you find the magic helicopter? With the magic weapons and stuff?" ...

This 'hardcore' gamer obviously wasn't hardcore enough to play the game legitimately...

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ha someone record that i want to see his face when its not jus this twitch that gets banned

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spawning in heli's, teleporting players and teleporting behind players to kill them.

Hes streaming right now, and using his hacks right now.. Not even making an attempt to hide it. He aslo banned me from his stream and got all ass hurt when I called him a hacking noob lol.

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Hes streaming right now, and using his hacks right now.. Not even making an attempt to hide it. He aslo banned me from his stream and got all ass hurt when I called him a hacking noob lol.

Yeah I was watching for a bit and saw him teleport the person with the female voice. She was all like 'Oh god! What happened?? I just got summoned. Oh god there is a guy in a ghillie suit here.' The guy in the ghillie was the Dragon dude.

I guess they were sucking so hard on the public servers that no one wanted to watch them die constantly so they got their own server and started hacking it up.

Pretty pathetic.

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His name in game at the moment is Limpy Gimpy.

If we can find the server he's on,

we can get him gone. : |

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This guy clearly thinks hes "The shit" people like this need to be executed IRL. Plus, his fat fucking ass wouldn't last 5 minutes in a real apocalypse (zombies or not) ;)

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Wow, what lame ass. His playername is Tyrone, db ban him lol

His name is actually Limpy Gimpy. Tyrone was just one player he teleported to him. When he was on the map screen it showed Limpy Gimpy in one place then he teleported himself and Limpy Gimpy showed up where he clicked. Plus it's the first name that appears on his hack list even above the All Players and All Others options.

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keep reporting him his stream already got flagged on twitch.tv

pls get this banned this is so retarded

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His name in game at the moment is Limpy Gimpy.

If we can find the server he's on,

we can get him gone. : |

It looked like he may be running a private, non HIVE, server. But I could be mistaken.

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It looked like he may be running a private, non HIVE, server. But I could be mistaken.

no hes on a random server

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Hes one ugly sob no wonder he hacks in a alpha mod, he fails at life too! lol keep reporting him on twitch as violation till an admin comes in.

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he is on us 155 Kansas. lay the hammer down, get his whole crew

Edited by BadNewz
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they are moving to US 1669.

Edited by BadNewz

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He is currently on server:

His in-game name is: Limpy Gimpy

I will be posting a youtube video of all the hacks/cheats he has used when it is finished uploading.

I'll still be following him for the rest of the night, because I have nothing better to do while I cut trees in runescape.

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He got caught, so now he's bad mouthing Rocket and the Dev Team. lol

Butthurt, hardcore gamer! lol

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Yes! his channel was closed to terms of service violations good job! I hope he rages at life!

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Dude thinks hes a legit game designer, hes on a rant right now about how bad of a game Dayz is, while playing/hacking it, how Rocket sucks and how hes more pro then Rocket at game design and he keeps stating over and over how horrible of a game it is, shitty this and shitty that, and so on. And how much better Warz will be cause it will be a "real game".

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Yes! his channel was closed to terms of service violations good job! I hope he rages at life!

Yeah - I watched him a bit last night, and he wasn't doing so well. I guess he got irritated that he couldn't actually be successful at the game and so he decided he would just hack. Before his stream went offline he was badmouthing the dev team and Rocket, but he kept switching between calling DayZ a "Mod" and a "Game".

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