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ATVs and Pobeda Dam

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As many of you probably know, ATVs have a tendency to flip on their sides. Once flipped they're fairly difficult to right, although it's possible to wriggle the wheels around and get it back upright. This isn't such a big problem because you can easily avoid it by just driving carefully.

Oh shit, unless you find the ATV at Pobeda Dam.

See, here's the thing. Some asshat decided that:

1. ATVs driving on bridges (or dams) randomly flip over.

2. ATVs are annoyingly hard to right once flipped over.

3. I could totally spawn the Pobeda Dam ATV 50 meters to the right, just next to the bridge.


Seriously, this is the third ATV I've found here. The first two flew into the sky, landed, and blew up while I was trying to drive them off the Dam. Now, I'm not going fast either. I'm inching the ATV off the dam as slowly as I possible can. Suddenly, my ATV is a god damn jet plane and I'm bombing the Russians before turning into a human fireball sacrifice to the boar gods. The third ATV is the only one to not murder me so far, but it rolled over THREE GOD DAMN TIMES trying to move it 10 feet onto real land. On the third time I ran out of gas and patience and just ragelogged.


Dear Guy-who-places-the-vehicle-spawns,

There is clearly a problem with ATVs and bridges/dams.

I cannot imagine that you're unaware of this.


Why? I literally cannot think of a single reason to not just move the spawn off the dam. Unless you really like just showcasing how broken this game can be at times.


Tell Rocket to quit working on loading screens and start working on things like implementing a flip feature for flip prone vehicles (bikes, motorcycles, atvs). Or hey, at the very least stop spawning vehicles on top of trampolines.

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the dams arent ground, theyre buildings.

all vehicles start to glitch when inside or on buildings. ATVs are incredibly prone to the smallest glitches that the big ones that dams give off mess them up good :D

even the Ural starts to act strange when driving on the dam

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But but but, we have to collect a bunch of useless data for our "vision", and remove convenience from the game... after all this is an anti-game and it's "supposed to be broken", not fun, unfair, and full of shit. We also like to encourage poor behaviour and refuse to fix any of the current bugs (except the ones we find the least game breaking).... oh and yeah, glad you like the loading screen. Neat huh?


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I found an ATV today and my friends flipped it while driving over a bridge :| We managed to flip it back by running into it with a bike about a million times lol. But you're right, it needs a damn flip button!

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the dams arent ground, theyre buildings.

all vehicles start to glitch when inside or on buildings. ATVs are incredibly prone to the smallest glitches that the big ones that dams give off mess them up good :D

even the Ural starts to act strange when driving on the dam

Yeah I know why it happens, but it's just silly that they could so easily fix this and they don't.

At the VERY LEAST they need to take any vehicles that spawn on buildings/dams/other broken terrain and move them. This would literally take a few minutes to fix. Better yet, the problem wouldn't exist in the first place if the guy placing the vehicles wasn't incompetent. It's obvious there's a problem with vehicles on bridges, etc; the least this dumbass could do is just not spawn vehicles there.

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For the love of god fix this. I've been trying to get an ATV off the dam for hours now and it won't fucking move!!!

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Once me and a friend came across a stash pile of vehicles just outside of the Dam. They got the truck off, picked me up, we went back. They had the bus, I had the ATV. I come to the Dam, they say to go slow, cause the bridges are messed up, I go on at a very low speed, I bounce around, tip over. I tell my friend to maybe just tap the ATV, flip it over with the bus, they do so, the ATV is launched into the stratosphere, it is gone completely. I've never seen such a crazy reaction like this to a vehicle and bridges lol

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Once me and a friend came across a stash pile of vehicles just outside of the Dam. They got the truck off, picked me up, we went back. They had the bus, I had the ATV. I come to the Dam, they say to go slow, cause the bridges are messed up, I go on at a very low speed, I bounce around, tip over. I tell my friend to maybe just tap the ATV, flip it over with the bus, they do so, the ATV is launched into the stratosphere, it is gone completely. I've never seen such a crazy reaction like this to a vehicle and bridges lol

why do people go over the dam

when you can safely go its right...

edit: and since i never replied to the OPs answer forever ago

ATVs dont spawn on there, they just get destroyed and get put back there on server reset

Edited by Buffjesus

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why do people go over the dam

when you can safely go its right...

edit: and since i never replied to the OPs answer forever ago

ATVs dont spawn on there, they just get destroyed and get put back there on server reset

Because not everyone knows the inherent evils of bridges in DayZ...cause you know...a bridge should work like a bridge...not like it's possessed by the devil lol

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why do people go over the dam

when you can safely go its right...

edit: and since i never replied to the OPs answer forever ago

ATVs dont spawn on there, they just get destroyed and get put back there on server reset

Its rediculus. There is NO possible way to get them off once on. At-least not the one in my server. All I can get it to do is spin in circles and eventually flip over.

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How to un-flip an ATV...

1. Stay on the thing. Dont get off it when it flips, stay on the bike. You may not be able to get back on.

2. Turn wheels towards the sky. (lying on your right side, turn the handle as far left as you can go)

3. Give it the beans.... well, slowly engage the gas and the bike will right itself.

Your welcome

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How to un-flip an ATV...

1. Stay on the thing. Dont get off it when it flips, stay on the bike. You may not be able to get back on.

2. Turn wheels towards the sky. (lying on your right side, turn the handle as far left as you can go)

3. Give it the beans.... well, slowly engage the gas and the bike will right itself.

Your welcome

Unflipping the atv isn't the problem. Its impossible to get off them dam.

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Rocket and co dont have to fix a damn thing. Why? Alpha. Alpha all the way until its released as a complete game. And even then.... Alpha. Even once its not an alpha and you find a bug don't whine about it. Why? Alpha. Shut up the ATVs are working properly no need to move them 50ft off the dam. Idiot. Alpha.

Besides, we got DOGS next patch. Alpha. Thats far more important than vehicles that work, or a game that ACTUALLY loads in and works properly so we can test it. Alpha.

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Rocket and co dont have to fix a damn thing. Why? Alpha. Alpha all the way until its released as a complete game. And even then.... Alpha. Even once its not an alpha and you find a bug don't whine about it. Why? Alpha. Shut up the ATVs are working properly no need to move them 50ft off the dam. Idiot. Alpha.

Besides, we got DOGS next patch. Alpha. Thats far more important than vehicles that work, or a game that ACTUALLY loads in and works properly so we can test it. Alpha.


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