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The Future Of DayZ (Discussion) [Warning: Long Post]

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Jesus christ man,i mean its good you put a warning on but i mean seriously...

It's just a game man,you dont need to get it all out of your system in one day.

shutup nub, thats what a forum is for didnt u know, u mad?! cuz ur precious mod has flaws u didnt see but now do? fuckin nubs...


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The revenge of the children!

Simply sad...

Like I said at the end of my post.. Why don't we all stop being idiotic deepshits like you just were here? Since you couldn't, I answer with the same manners.

I will try to make the thought go into that pea you call a brain.

1 - Taking a class in coding does not make you an expert on it.

2 - I'm in an engineering college and although I'm not in computer engineering I have friends who are, and I'm perfectly aware of the dificulty of coding.

3 - I don't need you to tell me they are working on it, of course they are! Don't assume everyone else is an idiot just because you are, ever though that maybe others aren't dumber then you and that maybe you are just not smart enough to understand them?

4 - I'm being patient, in fact, not only am I being patient, but I'm also trying to call everyone out that what is said in this forum may influence the future of DayZ, therefor we should all be more patient with everyone else, something you clearly aren't.

5 - I didn't say at any point they weren't working on the rest, I said they gave priorities to less important things, in my opinion.

About your last paragraph I'm not even going to bother... You worked against yourself on that one, but I'll still give you a protip: when you have problems in comprehending words, don't advertise it like that.

Nicely said,if we only had more man like you in here.

Now the problem with DayZ dev is because mostly and ,,only,, Rocket is working on the upcoming update and fixed.

So offcourse the progress will be slow and require a pacience from the players.

I only ask (like i said) that those upcoming updates and ideas go into the right direction.

If it does,then this mod will simply be another succesful indie materpiece.

It already succeded by making the idea of a zombie apocalype into sandbox game,something we all dreamed about but never got a chance of playing it.

All these issues of hacking,bugs,lack of features at the moment can be fixed and even improve.

Im gonna stick with this mod and hope for the best.

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shutup nub, thats what a forum is for didnt u know, u mad?! cuz ur precious mod has flaws u didnt see but now do? fuckin nubs...


1.By saying that i didn't meant anything personal again'st OP.

It's just mostly of these ,,long,, threads about suggestions and complains have already been said and read.

2.By reading your replial just confirms my original fact.

DayZ community is full of little fans who don't respect anyone's opinion.

3. I never complained about flaws i just said it woud be good of this mod to procide into the right direction in the future.

Now i coud say to ,,go fuck yourself,, but im not going to do that cuz it will only insult my intelligence and contradict everything i have previously said.

Edited by VaultDweller

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Nicely said,if we only had more man like you in here.

Now the problem with DayZ dev is because mostly and ,,only,, Rocket is working on the upcoming update and fixed.

So offcourse the progress will be slow and require a pacience from the players.

I only ask (like i said) that those upcoming updates and ideas go into the right direction.

If it does,then this mod will simply be another succesful indie materpiece.

It already succeded by making the idea of a zombie apocalype into sandbox game,something we all dreamed about but never got a chance of playing it.

All these issues of hacking,bugs,lack of features at the moment can be fixed and even improve.

Im gonna stick with this mod and hope for the best.

it wil never be fixed BECAUSE ITS A MOD...my god if any of you ppl understood you would not hold out hope for this mod, it is what it is...

the dumb arma II engine is made for DayZ, its made for arma II, you really think hackers and script-kids are gonna go away? unless it goes stand-alone...lol...ya that turned out great for counterstrike lulz...remember that mod? damn fools, play the mod and have fun or dont and wait for a real developer to make your zombie survival game that was built with that game in mind


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By saying that i didn't meant anything personal again'st OP.

It's just mostly of these ,,long,, threads about suggestions and complains have already been said and read.

By reading your replial just confirms my original fact.

DayZ community is full of little fans who don't respect anyone's opinion.

Now i coud say to ,,go fuck yourself,, but im not going to do that cuz it will only insult my intelligence and contradict everything i have previously said.

u said "go fuck yourself" in your first post....not in so many words and now you are trying to retract what you said by saying u didnt mean that? you would makea good politition

keep dreaming about this mod fleshing out cuz thats the only place it will happen

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As for skins. Sure, they're not entirely realistic and you can't really tell someones intention by looking at them from a distance. But we are playing a game and the we're unable to read an avatars body language, eyes, or pick up on that "feeling" someone gets simply by looking at someone who intends to do them harm in real life. Skins in game are the best way to communicate this information until some wild virtual reality system is created.

A smart skin system for bandits, heroes, and any other character type that may emerge can be extremely effective in cutting down on the shoot on sight mentality. Players have mentioned their KoS behavior is rooted with the inability to determine if a target is truly friend or foe. Many players may think twice about shooting a roaming medic or hero if they know they're no threat. Will this fix the problem? Who knows until we see what type of system the devs have come up with?

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It hurts to say it, but DayZ is just a Rocket pipe dream. There are way too many hurdles in the way, it's just not going to happen.

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it wil never be fixed BECAUSE ITS A MOD...my god if any of you ppl understood you would not hold out hope for this mod, it is what it is...

the dumb arma II engine is made for DayZ, its made for arma II, you really think hackers and script-kids are gonna go away? unless it goes stand-alone...lol...ya that turned out great for counterstrike lulz...remember that mod? damn fools, play the mod and have fun or dont and wait for a real developer to make your zombie survival game that was built with that game in mind


1.This ,,mod,, will turn into standalone game intime.

2.Arma II engine is very poweful and can do alot of things for this game,no matter of her original intension (as a war simulator)

Like making more of the building acessable as Rocket said himself.

3. I only said that to repay in a fair way your original replial to me.

4. Like once great man said by the name of ,,zedsdeadbaby,, .... patience is a virtue.

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Not true. I lonewolf most of the time and have plenty to do.

Listing problems with bugs in an Alpha or Beta is only useful up to a point. Most of the stuff you listed is easy to avoid or overcome with experience. When someone complains about the doors for example, even though they haven't bothered to search the forums to contribute their opinion to any of the hundreds of posts on the subject, they're going to get called out on it. Doors are not even a problem. I broke a bone once on a door. Once. I'm not a rocket scientist so I'm baffled by the people that let it happen again and again. Getting the action icon for the door or ladder is very easy so I'm not sure why you're acting like it's impossible.

Taking some numbers posted on the front page and then making baseless assumptions about them and pulling magical numbers about whose playing and not is pretty funny. Even by your numbers this game is doing well. Google the player numbers of most games from the day they release to a month after. Compare them.

I don't get bored playing lonewolf either, but then again, I didn't explore the entire map yet so I'm stilling chilling.

Yes, listing the bugs goes up to a point, and yes people should search, but is it really the best option just to flame over everyone that repeats something? Why do people even go to read it? Why not just let it be? Get my point?

I don't see the purpose or pleasure in going to every thread just to call someone an idiot...

I don't read 99% of the threads in General Discussion just by making a selection based on the title!

Doors are a problem. I get what you are saying, I only got hit by a door twice. But i reckon inside the barracks and in some other situations like when being chased by zombies if you are not carefull you are done.

Ladders seem to be better now, people stoped complaining about falling from them when they reached the top.

Yes the numbers are obviously without any base, it just so people can get an idea of what can happen if we don't work together to keep people in game, because, althou like you say, right now DayZ is doing pretty well, remember it was no competition.

There are many more draws to DayZ than you think. That other game won't have the large map and won't be a survival game.

According to what I read, WarZ map will be similar. They announce between 200 - 400 Km2. But yes I think it won't have that much of a survival issue.

About the PvP in DayZ.

I dont want to put any mayor restriction in a PvP (like manny of us survivors is asking for it,kinda protection from a bandits and killers) i just want to put a LIMIT in it till the certain point.

Manny of DayZ players HATE feature what WarZ is offering.... a SAFETY ZONES.

New players need safety zones at the respawn area.

Trade markets as an upcoming feature (going in WarZ) and offcourse ... FACTIONS. (but enought about suggestions)

But because like everyone keep saying,after playing DayZ for over 300 hours like an branwashed zombie ,collect and explore everything you need,gear up to the teeth and all...there isnt anything left exept to go on the PvP side.

,,Kill other players,because there isnt anything much to do,,

I think otherwise,but still not manny options,every direction goes to PvP...eather bandit or a bandit hunter,or just blow everything up,go on a rampage with your friends by killing others and ruing their fun for the sacred of yours,other side just want to team up,get in group,evade or hunt bandits and just survive together.

Now for the loner u gotta be preety much mentaly strong to get over all that boredom,stress of being killed of others and all that.

Now i know that this is still only a mod (maybe best mod ever released),a mod in a alpha stage who contibuted an massive idea who blasted all around the gaming community world wide.

But if this mod is not gonna progress little faster and making those good ideas into work and putting them into the game..it will slowly start to degree to the certain points when the players will start getting forward of ,,what woud WarZ contribute,,

If they release WarZ...and it got everything what DaZ ,,shoud have got,, in the future....then its over.

And im not turning this into DayZ vs WarZ competition.

Im loving DayZ like everyone else in here,it's just that i woud want to go into the right direction in the future.

I actualy don't agree with trade markets or safety zones. Let them die. I enjoyed my learning process, it's the best way to learn, I'm sure most didn't repeat the mistakes.

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I don't get bored playing lonewolf either, but then again, I didn't explore the entire map yet so I'm stilling chilling.

Yes, listing the bugs goes up to a point, and yes people should search, but is it really the best option just to flame over everyone that repeats something? Why do people even go to read it? Why not just let it be? Get my point?

I don't see the purpose or pleasure in going to every thread just to call someone an idiot...

I don't read 99% of the threads in General Discussion just by making a selection based on the title!

Doors are a problem. I get what you are saying, I only got hit by a door twice. But i reckon inside the barracks and in some other situations like when being chased by zombies if you are not carefull you are done.

Ladders seem to be better now, people stoped complaining about falling from them when they reached the top.

Yes the numbers are obviously without any base, it just so people can get an idea of what can happen if we don't work together to keep people in game, because, althou like you say, right now DayZ is doing pretty well, remember it was no competition.

According to what I read, WarZ map will be similar. They announce between 200 - 400 Km2. But yes I think it won't have that much of a survival issue.

I actualy don't agree with trade markets or safety zones. Let them die. I enjoyed my learning process, it's the best way to learn, I'm sure most didn't repeat the mistakes.

I only put them as an option,cuz it was the first thing that popped out of my mind.

Its one of the solution of reducing PvP and make more balance into the game.

Other is to improve Zombie behaviour.

Making their AI for the better woud automaticly make them as far larger thread.

Increasing their numbers and so on...

Edited by VaultDweller

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I only put them as an option,cuz it was the first thing that popped out of my mind.

Its one of the solution of reducing PvP and make more balance into the game.

Other is to improve Zombie behaviour.

Making their AI for the better woud automaticly make them as far larger thread.

Increasing their numbers and so on...

Now with that I agree. More and better zombies.

DayZ still in Alpha, it is not the final version -.-"

Why not read first and then see if you have something to add? -.-'

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"If the WarZ starts to progress faster and better by make some balance with PvP..."


What's so unbalanced about PVP with DayZ?

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What's so unbalanced about PVP with DayZ?

The PvP is balanced in my opinion! The number of weapons, the amount of ammo, the existing weapons from wich to chose, all that. The unbalance is between PvP and PvE.

PvE doesn't really exist after playing for a couple of weeks (at most), because for some, after a few YouTube videos and few hours playing the PvE challenge ends.

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