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why did game spawn me in kamenka???????????????????

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i waz walking in the woods and logged out and when i logged in i was on the beach and i tryed to switch servers thinking that it was a glitch but after 3 servers and restarting my game it still haz spawn me on beach WTF???????????????????????????????????????

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i waz walking in the woods and logged out and when i logged in i was on the beach and i tryed to switch servers thinking that it was a glitch but after 3 servers and restarting my game it still haz spawn me on beach WTF???????????????????????????????????????


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you played on a hacked server most likely that did not report your coordinates to the main hive, the new servers you joined most likely were connected to the hive but since you had logged off on a hacked server you respawned at the shore line. This is better then re spawning without any gear at least, so I guess it's getting better?

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i wazent in a de bug area i was just west of a town.

did you lose your equipment?

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I've had the servers actually make me a second character, Then when i died on that character i got my earlier character back. It just some shitty bug :(

And no, this isn't some non-hive related issue. I died on my second character on purpose to get my first one back @_@

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Same is happening to me!! And I didn't hav this problem before today! I hav a tent with an l86 up near stary and I can't get to it! I keep spawning In fucking kamenka!! every single time! I can literally walk five steps from where I spawn, log off, log back on and those five steps don't even register...same place every time...this is bullshit..I'm seriously considering giving up on this game...

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Same is happening to me!! And I didn't hav this problem before today! I hav a tent with an l86 up near stary and I can't get to it! I keep spawning In fucking kamenka!! every single time! I can literally walk five steps from where I spawn, log off, log back on and those five steps don't even register...same place every time...this is bullshit..I'm seriously considering giving up on this game...

Character data is only committed to the database every few minutes or so... so if you log out really fast after moving 5 steps, that's probably why it's not registering.

It could also be the server you are playing on, might be experiencing problems. Try changing server and see if that works any better.


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