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Repairing vehicles

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So I'm playing the game since ~6 days, found some vehicles to drive.

I just don't know how to repair wrecked cars... Well, I know that you need parts like tires, engine etc. to repair it but I just don't know which cars are repairable.

I'm seeing the whole time damaged "cars" on the roads and stuff but it doesn't seem that they are repairable.


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The cars you can get in as driver can be repairable. (:

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The cars you can get in as driver can be repairable. (:


Basically if they look like a burned out and rusted shell, they aren't fixable... if they look like a mostly intact vehicle and you an get inside of it, then it's fixable.

Once you find the parts needed, and have them in your inventory (not your backpack) an option will appear when you look at the car to repair the broken thing. Broken stuff shows up red, while moderately damaged stuff, or stuff that's completely fine, shows up green.

Hope this helps.


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The cars you can get in as driver can be repairable. (:

Just what she said.

if you check www.dayzdb.com you can see the spawns for vehicles in-game. Sure, they may not be where they are "supposed" to be if someone managed to repair it, get it moving, then ran into a barricade, but you can click the actual vehicle spawns on the Map there and see the images of the vehicles. This will give you a good start. Bear in mind that on top of the "parts" (engine parts, fuel tank parts, wheels, Rich Corinthian Leather seats. etc.) you are going to need a toolbox on your tool belt to repair said vehicles.

By the by... bicycles rules!

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