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Daffy Duck

I'm not actually Daffy Duck

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My name in DayZ is Daffy Duck, but as you probably guessed, I am not Daffy Duck, I've been living a lie. Anywho, I've been quite honest to the players I've met on my travels, I decided to never shoot someone on site unless they try to kill me. There was one incident where I looted a firehouse and found two dead bodies, one with an AK, one with a Remmington, took the shotty. Just then someone with an axe ran up the stairs, I calmly stated on mic "friendly" and he took one swing at me, so I shot him three times. To this day it remains my only murder. He didn't alt+f4 so I commend him for his righteousness. Otherwise, everyone else I've met I greeted with a "friendly" and "wanna roll together?", something along those lines anyways. I even once followed a random and we both saved a third guy trapped in a warehouse, good times. I once saved a guy in a barn and followed him to Cherno, my nickname was Axeman, we met up with his friend and they didn't kill me. We looted Cherno, and they showed me where the guns were, I lost them in Cherno what with me being a noob, but it was one of the greatest online moments of gaming EVAR. Got sniped twice, felt worthless, like I wasn't worth a real encounter, but I realize I'm just prey to snipers, so that's the reality. I've been thinking about what I'd do if I saw a sniper, are they friendly? So far I'm assuming that anyone who has a sniper is out to get murders, but I can't bring myself to shoot on sight, I'm ready to die. I willingly ask strangers if they need assistance, bandages, food, drinks, ammo, etc. I just like helping people out in DayZ.

My point is, I'm playing this game for the companionship it brings with complete strangers, I'm willing to help people even if they're secretly planning to kill me, because those few encounters where I do team up with strangers are freakin' worth it. I couldn't bring myself to play like a bandit because it's boring as hell, there's no thrill when I know I'm just going to kill anyone I see. There is thrill when I don't know if I'm going to kill the next stranger that crosses paths.

I'm a noob, and I love this game. Actually I've got aboot 10 hours put in this game, so I guess I'm like a next-level noob, noob +1.

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This is why DayZ is good.

I love the bad encounters, just as much as the good ones.

If everything was too safe, and eveyone could be trusted...it would be too boring.

The tension of possibly being killed 5 mins later by someone you just saved is great.

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If there is one thing I dislike about this game, it's the ridiculous system of aggroing zombies. I aggroed one while I wasn't moving, albeit he was close, and then another from REALLY far away through crouch walking. I'm still alive, but did a recent update increase aggro range or something? It's insane.

Otherwise, the fear factor is great.

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If there is one thing I dislike about this game, it's the ridiculous system of aggroing zombies. I aggroed one while I wasn't moving, albeit he was close, and then another from REALLY far away through crouch walking. I'm still alive, but did a recent update increase aggro range or something? It's insane.

Otherwise, the fear factor is great.

It seems last patch that they got telescopic vision again. I know their hearing for gunshots was fixed, so something MAY have gotten goofed with their vision because they sure seem to charge at 100+m now.

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It seems last patch that they got telescopic vision again. I know their hearing for gunshots was fixed, so something MAY have gotten goofed with their vision because they sure seem to charge at 100+m now.

Thanks, I was thinking the zombie's aggro range was different as of recently. I'm having trouble getting within range of villages now, before I could get in, relatively unseen, creeping in prone. Now, even in prone, zombies still come running. I'll deal with it I guess. Usually I just go prone and sneak by them, but it's not working so well now, if at all come to think of it.

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Welcome Daffy Duck.

I've been playing on very low-pop servers at weird hours, just so I can test out a bunch of things and test the limits of the bugs, so I don't see people too much.

When I do, I call it out with a Friendly and "need any help?"

One guy had just spawned and was driving a zombie train, he saw me on the coast and begged me not to shoot. I said "never" and popped some smoke to thin his herd (he was screwed otherwise) and diverted a few Zs my way.

Good to see another good one join up.

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Thanks, I was thinking the zombie's aggro range was different as of recently. I'm having trouble getting within range of villages now, before I could get in, relatively unseen, creeping in prone. Now, even in prone, zombies still come running. I'll deal with it I guess. Usually I just go prone and sneak by them, but it's not working so well now, if at all come to think of it.

Since their hearing was tweaked a bit in the last patch I would make sure to watch your crawling when prone even. Though you SHOULDN'T be making much noise when crawling you might be hitting a rough patch of ground or something. I went on a grocery run for our group today and went through two towns on my belly without aggroing more than a handful of zeds, but I was slow-crawling with my primary out.

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Welcome Daffy Duck.

I've been playing on very low-pop servers at weird hours, just so I can test out a bunch of things and test the limits of the bugs, so I don't see people too much.

When I do, I call it out with a Friendly and "need any help?"

One guy had just spawned and was driving a zombie train, he saw me on the coast and begged me not to shoot. I said "never" and popped some smoke to thin his herd (he was screwed otherwise) and diverted a few Zs my way.

Good to see another good one join up.

And you, sir, get beans just for tossing a smoke grenade to help a fresh player :)

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hehe thanks. It helped me too. That dude caused quite the ruckus in that part of town.

Fresh beans all around.

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Since their hearing was tweaked a bit in the last patch I would make sure to watch your crawling when prone even. Though you SHOULDN'T be making much noise when crawling you might be hitting a rough patch of ground or something. I went on a grocery run for our group today and went through two towns on my belly without aggroing more than a handful of zeds, but I was slow-crawling with my primary out.

What do you do when you aggro these zeds? I usually just up and run into the nearest forest, but I sense that this isn't the brightest method of dealing with them.

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What do you do when you aggro these zeds? I usually just up and run into the nearest forest, but I sense that this isn't the brightest method of dealing with them.

I usually just toss a smoke or flare or something and run past it and turn and shoot as many as i can before reloading. with akm i usually can handle any horde of 20~ or maybe more but will take more than a clip

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What do you do when you aggro these zeds? I usually just up and run into the nearest forest, but I sense that this isn't the brightest method of dealing with them.

Best Ways to get rid of Zeds:

1- Run around fences. They will often pause to swing at you and give you time to put some distance, especially while they run around the fence to catch up again. Also, they may try to crawl under said fence to get to you and REALLY make your escape easy.

2- Run through an open building. The Zeds will follow your path through the building and slow to a lumbering walk inside, thereby allowing you to book it to safety (of course, this is option #2 because if you are in a city/town you will most likely just get their friends on the other side of the building you just ran through).

3- Little known to new players: Run down a steep hill. Yes, you CAN lose them running UP a steep hill, but for a moment you expose yourself to a hit or three. However, running DOWN a steep hill is a surefire way to dump those pesky Zeds. Why? Well, as you slow down to avoid falling onto your face (something your character does automatically), those silly Zeds will run full-force downhill and you will be treated to the satisfying snap of their bones and thump of their bodies hitting the ground behind you. Zeds have no concept of running downhill slowly. Great way to get rid of them. This is option #3 because you actually need to be near a steep hill. Not always the case.

4- LoS (Line-of-Sight) the Zeds in a forest. Zeds will give up if they lose visual on you through bushes, but this one can take some time.

5- Axe them a question. Silent, one-shot kills...assuming you have your hatchet armed/have one to begin with.

Personally? I have silenced weapons when I travel alone. If I aggro one, I take him out without panicking and grabbing the others around me. However, if you are un-geared and just making a run for it... try some of the tricks I listed above.

Hope that helps a little.

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I usually just toss a smoke or flare or something and run past it and turn and shoot as many as i can before reloading. with akm i usually can handle any horde of 20~ or maybe more but will take more than a clip

This also works, but the only reason why I didn't list it is that you've just rung the proverbial dinner bell for nearby players. A trail of Zeds chasing a survivor is already pretty obvious for bandits on the prowl, but tossing flares, even in the day thanks to their smoke, really gives your position away. Of course, you might find a helpful player that way too...

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My name in DayZ is Daffy Duck, but as you probably guessed, I am not Daffy Duck, I've been living a lie. Anywho, I've been quite honest to the players I've met on my travels, I decided to never shoot someone on site unless they try to kill me. There was one incident where I looted a firehouse and found two dead bodies, one with an AK, one with a Remmington, took the shotty. Just then someone with an axe ran up the stairs, I calmly stated on mic "friendly" and he took one swing at me, so I shot him three times. To this day it remains my only murder. He didn't alt+f4 so I commend him for his righteousness. Otherwise, everyone else I've met I greeted with a "friendly" and "wanna roll together?", something along those lines anyways. I even once followed a random and we both saved a third guy trapped in a warehouse, good times. I once saved a guy in a barn and followed him to Cherno, my nickname was Axeman, we met up with his friend and they didn't kill me. We looted Cherno, and they showed me where the guns were, I lost them in Cherno what with me being a noob, but it was one of the greatest online moments of gaming EVAR. Got sniped twice, felt worthless, like I wasn't worth a real encounter, but I realize I'm just prey to snipers, so that's the reality. I've been thinking about what I'd do if I saw a sniper, are they friendly? So far I'm assuming that anyone who has a sniper is out to get murders, but I can't bring myself to shoot on sight, I'm ready to die. I willingly ask strangers if they need assistance, bandages, food, drinks, ammo, etc. I just like helping people out in DayZ.

My point is, I'm playing this game for the companionship it brings with complete strangers, I'm willing to help people even if they're secretly planning to kill me, because those few encounters where I do team up with strangers are freakin' worth it. I couldn't bring myself to play like a bandit because it's boring as hell, there's no thrill when I know I'm just going to kill anyone I see. There is thrill when I don't know if I'm going to kill the next stranger that crosses paths.

I'm a noob, and I love this game. Actually I've got aboot 10 hours put in this game, so I guess I'm like a next-level noob, noob +1.

Acculy dolan

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Best Ways to get rid of Zeds:

1- Run around fences. They will often pause to swing at you and give you time to put some distance, especially while they run around the fence to catch up again. Also, they may try to crawl under said fence to get to you and REALLY make your escape easy.

2- Run through an open building. The Zeds will follow your path through the building and slow to a lumbering walk inside, thereby allowing you to book it to safety (of course, this is option #2 because if you are in a city/town you will most likely just get their friends on the other side of the building you just ran through).

3- Little known to new players: Run down a steep hill. Yes, you CAN lose them running UP a steep hill, but for a moment you expose yourself to a hit or three. However, running DOWN a steep hill is a surefire way to dump those pesky Zeds. Why? Well, as you slow down to avoid falling onto your face (something your character does automatically), those silly Zeds will run full-force downhill and you will be treated to the satisfying snap of their bones and thump of their bodies hitting the ground behind you. Zeds have no concept of running downhill slowly. Great way to get rid of them. This is option #3 because you actually need to be near a steep hill. Not always the case.

4- LoS (Line-of-Sight) the Zeds in a forest. Zeds will give up if they lose visual on you through bushes, but this one can take some time.

5- Axe them a question. Silent, one-shot kills...assuming you have your hatchet armed/have one to begin with.

Personally? I have silenced weapons when I travel alone. If I aggro one, I take him out without panicking and grabbing the others around me. However, if you are un-geared and just making a run for it... try some of the tricks I listed above.

Hope that helps a little.

Thank you, I'll try some of those out, problem with the village I was in was that I had half of the servers zombies (I swear). I play on low pop servers because I find there are more kind players, it's also easier to get used to the game so that I can eventually survive on a high pop server. I wish I had access to silent weapons, but I haven't found a downed chopper yet (that contains silenced weapons right?).

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