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admin slap?

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so i was rumaging through cherno super market on a low pop server for my missing gear that i had just lossed, when i heard gun shots not to far away so i went to check them out as i figured it was the guy who took my body. when i got close to the area i heard shots again, so i hide behind a small building and just as i was typing friendly i got hit like the same thing as a zombie would be doing but it shot all the way to the beach and dropped me to bleed out with broken legs and shock...so i just let the timer go and quickly bled out. I looked at the players before leaving and there was only 4 other players, 2 of which were opposite clans. so I'm wondering if this is just people abusing admin powers now as i remember things like this in old fps times(counter strike)

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Admins have very little power over anything, so it's more than likely not an admin

It was probably someone with scripts.

Edited by Baelethal

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Depends on the gun and gear. AS50 can see 300m, which is far.

I bet it is legit, not that many low pop servers have hackers.

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AS50 can hit up to 1200m effectively, zeroing up to 1600m. It's one shot though, so you would have been dead. A M14 though..

Could have been legit, could have been someone using graphics removed.

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