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Led Monk

Just another day (z)

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Found 5 dead bodies outside the church (a sniper must have been busy), loaded up on some decent gear and thought i'd try to find that punk sniper. Climbed the smoke stack, found nothing. Went to climb back down and the ladder glitched, fell to my death. Respawned within visual distance of my death. Climbed back up to loot my corpse, clipping glitch, broke my leg and then fell to my death.

I love this game.

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Welcome to Cheranus :D

Didn't you ment "Welcome to DayZ?" :3

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Maybe a clever hacker? Seems odd both incidents happened on that spot but I don't climb that ladder often.

A hacker, what the fuck? The smokestack ladder is so glitchy, ladder are glitchy everywhere, but how would a hacker cause this incident?

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DayZ is a hater. There's nothing much you can do about it.

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i lost my longest character to a ladder/stair glitch last nite..

lukily i to was able to recover my gear from my corpse by crawling to a safe bush before attracting teh Z's to finish me off..

the animation of my char running off teh top floor instead of crouching down the stairs was hilarous.. when i was in midiar i was already saying "fukoff".. cuz i knew what was coming.. sure enuf.. CRACK, broken legs..

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Maybe a clever hacker? Seems odd both incidents happened on that spot but I don't climb that ladder often.

Heh, that ladder itself IS a hacker. I am pretty sure it's claimed more lives than a large handful of bandits combined.

I know some people still have an issue with that ladder if they do the old "climbing the ladder with their pistol out" gig. *shrug*. Such is the life of an "Alpha" player... though ArmA II in general still has man-eating ladders...

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