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Where is and when is this standalone happening?

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Sorry if this has been asked before but I'm wondering if there is a ETA on when rocket and his team will start working with the engine of arm2 to bring out DayZ as a standalone? And then, why isn't the patch out that was suppose to go online 3 days ago? Did rocket bite the dust or something, he only wanted to lock his patch thread for 1h...

Edited by Tingle

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Rocket is hiding in a hole because people are being mean to him. His fanbase is garbage like every other mod/game that gets popular fast. :(

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no word on either. check that machinima interview for the latest info on both

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They've obviously run into a bigger issue while working on this patch, but we can all hope that it comes out soon. ^_^

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Dayz standalone this year, possibly as early as september, using same base engine as arma2 arma3 uses so most of the code can simply beorted over, this patch was meant to be a hotfix for the artifacts but since some other stuff was almost finished they delayed it and will bundle them together instead, bandit/hero skins etc coming back, maybe dogs

Edited by smasht_AU
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They've obviously run into a bigger issue while working on this patch, but we can all hope that it comes out soon. ^_^

he actually said it was working great. so great that he want's to add more stuff to it (bandit/hero stuff)

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