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Will arma 3 engine be plagued by hackers too?

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Put simply, hacking is easy on the arma 2 engine because shit can happen client side and the server basically says 'ok, lets do that!'.

BIS made a shitty system and as a result hacking (as we all know) has basically ruined DayZ at this point.

Now, rocket has hinted that the standalone will be on arma 3's engine.

My question is, will arma 3 be as bad?

If the answer is yes, the project should just be left to die now.

Edited by TheMachine

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Yes. Every online game will be full of hackers.

You've got to learn to enjoy the game. My squad just got teleported on top of after losing all of our vehicles. Went up north and found a UAZ. Was fixing up an ATV when a buddy spotted 3 people that basically teleported right into his sights and immediately started opening fire.

People are weird dude... Why play the game with hacks?

I hate the idea that DayZ will be on ArmA3 engine... My computer has no chance in hell playing that...

Edited by Tsyn

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I'm assuming BI are aware of how amazing Battle Eye is, so they might up their security for cheating in their game. :)

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Won't be that bad, but yeah there will be hackers.

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BIS didn't create a shitty system.

What BIS created was an engine capable of rendering 220 square km full of detail (over 1 million 3d objects), animals, players, vehicles and shit load of other stuff behind the scenes. The challenge they face now is making the engine secure but keeping the openness that allowed this mod (and others) to exist in the first place.

But fuck me right?

Edited by KeefehB
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One thing ive learned from this DayZ experience is, i won't play next installment thats what they have achieved with this hackers taking over this game is rediculous, i won't spent one more euro on arma game or any shooter, back to mmo's again at least for most part they are hack free)prolly better security battle eye sucks).

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What BIS created was an engine capable or rendering 220 square km full of detail (over 1 million 3d objects), animals, players, vehicles and shit load of other stuff behind the scenes. The challenge they face now is making the engine secure but keeping the openness that allowed this mod (and others) to exist in the first place.


The worst thing about all this hatred on BIS and Arma, talking about conning people into buying a game and other idiocy is because this company support modding more than any other game company. All the mods for Arma are totally free. It's not paid for DLC. the staff directly support modders on their forums. its been shitty to read the stuff coming out of here. some people are raging so hard but have no idea what the fuck they are talking about, what they bought or terminology or anything. there is no other engine that can do this and in the end its people that cause the problems not the engine. you cant pull another engine out a hat. its just a case of 1) Enjoy the mod as much as you can 2) Quit and fuck off

nothing you say here will change shit. it wont whip the devs into action. it wont make everryone quit with you. i mean if a BIS guy came on and said we arent changing shit for Arma 3, how would you then initiate this leaving the project to die idea of yours? how will you stop me loading up that cunt and playing it and enjoying it?

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BIS made a shitty system and as a result hacking (as we all know) has basically ruined DayZ at this point.

what a moron.

Edited by Shag
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Even with the hackers they have created an experience far more entertaining than anything Blizzard or other big name companies have done recently.

This. I have had more fun playing this game in the past few months than any other game for a long, long time. I am patient enough to weather the current rough times it is having. I am confident that it will continue to improve, but in anycase I have definitely got my moneys worth out of Arma2.

Edited by hydrogennz

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Why im bit fed up this cheating and no patience to wait it out, is becouse ive waited years for a MMO called Darkfall and they had the same bullshit engine where client wise game could be hacked easly and i quit after 2 years of annoying cheaters. So now with DayZ i experience again how evil hackers(and dumb players who use cheat tools(many players are just tools of the hackers thats how dumb they are) are and ruined a game i realy enjoy bah:(

Oh and i hate also silence of rocket on this subject also.

I hate cheaters and if its common or not i keep hating them im not saying ah well its common learn to live with that thats also DUMB and STUPID.

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Peetgamer, Rocket can't go into detail about what he plans to do about them. If he did, they could adjust their ways to keep doing it, or avoid ban waves.

He already stated this, search tool my friend.

As was stated, Arma II was designed as a trusted client. People can run scripts to make fantastic realistic scenarios for an almost infinite variety of game types. This was the point of the game. DayZ, was able to use this to make its idea viable, but unfortunately some low lifes feel the need to ruin the games experience for others.

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You know what I'm fed up with?

TheMachine and his creation of another ignorant riddled thread every 6 hours.

I hope BI makes another fantastic MilSim that lets you create content on the fly.

It wouldn't be an Arma game if it wasn't like this,

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BIS didn't create a shitty system.

What BIS created was an engine capable of rendering 220 square km full of detail (over 1 million 3d objects), animals, players, vehicles and shit load of other stuff behind the scenes. The challenge they face now is making the engine secure but keeping the openness that allowed this mod (and others) to exist in the first place.

But fuck me right?

Apples and oranges. While you are right in that the rendering capabilities of the enginer is impressive, its multiplayer features leave some to be desired. I totally get that they wanted a mod friendly engine that was highly adaptive and easy to create stuff for. That doesn't necesserily exclude making it less vulnerable than it currently is to hacking though. There is a huge difference between server side missions / mods and client side scripts / hacks.

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That's not exactly how it works, even if the server didn't let modified scripts in there are always bypasses, most of which are pretty easy to do.

And take a look at any game, there's always people who hack. It's not going to be different for this one.

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We just had a hacker spawn right on us and kill us. He was invisible. I had a 10 day character with 600+ zombie kills, ghillie suit, M240, all side items, etc. Fucking ridiculous.

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I hope we all take into account, that arma 3 is on the same engine, but better optimized. (hopefully)

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It will be because of how the game engine is designed, not because of hackers.

So, a designed game meant to trust the users =/= easily abused.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin

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4th time this week where i have died to getting teleported into the sky and dropping to my death, worst hacking ive seen in any game.

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What is going to happen is that this community will move to the DayZ standalone, and that standalone will hopefully place restrictions on scripts.

I assume the Arma 3 community will still have access to in-game scripting, because it is a simulation (and not competitive) and sometimes necessary.

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Why is every thread or post I see you make OP nothing but saying how horrible BI and Arma 2 is.

How did BIS make a shitty system, what people like you will never understand is that they never dreamed something like Day Z would happen when they made Arma 2, they've never cared about money, metacritic, etc, they made a niche military simulator and they were happy with that. But people like you, somehow have trouble understanding that and think Arma 2 is an AAA game and BIS are shitty horrible developers, I wish people like you would stop posting.

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BIS made a game that was perfect, never had problems with hackers. This game was made so you can create basically anything, be it a mission, or whatever just by inserting scripts. It wasn't until the little kiddies joined the DayZ bandwagon and found out they can exploit this mechanic. Don't put the blame on their system that was perfect and was never this bad until DayZ came around.

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i doubt it will be on the arma III engine. calm down people. also if it was it was stated that if you could run arma II you could run arma III.

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