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Jesters (DayZ)

Item swapping question!

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Ok, this is kinda nooby but. I switch weapons from my pack into my inventory, example I have an AKM in my pack, and a DMR at hand. To swap them over I drop the DMR, drop the AKM. Then pick up in a fashion to have them swapped, I've only ever once tried another way and my item disappeared, or did I just get unlucky?


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No need to ever drop your weapons again, I do this constantly so I can confirm it does work.

Edited by Cyric
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for one i always keep the ammo of both my mains for example my stanag sd and my as50 ammo in my main inventory (so no pesky people can steal it out)

then i just swap the gun from my backpack to my hand :) so for example. i have my as50 in hand and my m4 sd in backpack i just click to equip my m4 sd and the as50 gets moved to the backpack.

not sure how the ammo of the gun will act if you have it in your backpack. seeing as it could all be moved to your inventory. so someone will have to verify/explain how that works. but the way i do it nothing disappears :)

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You can swap them from the back to the main inventory

So your AKM is in your hands

DMR in the backpack

You open your backpack, click on the DMR, click on the arrow to the right

Your DMR should be in your hands and your AKM in your backpack, it will also swap as many rounds to your inventory as it can

If you want to switch back to your AKM you do the same

Open backpack, click on AKM

Hit the arrow to the right

AKM in hand, DMR in backpack

HOWEVER, you CANNOT switch from your hands to the backpack(arrow to the left)

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Thanks for the replies guys! Helped an ole' noob here :D

Edited by Jesters

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not sure how the ammo of the gun will act if you have it in your backpack. seeing as it could all be moved to your inventory. so someone will have to verify/explain how that works. but the way i do it nothing disappears :)

it swaps the ammo over as well, i carry 4 stanag sd and 4 AS50 Nato mags, when i switch the m4sd for the AS50 the AS50 ammo is brought to main inventroy and the stan sd takes thier spot in my backpack

its a bit buggy in that it might only move some of the ammo forward or backwards as long as theres space e.g. move 2 stanag to pack but 4 AS50Nato to inventory

Edited by stuffnthings

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