Crios 28 Posted August 4, 2012 And if you could read what I am trying to tell you is that Rocket and the DayZ team can do nothing about it. It is completely out of their hands. Making a bunch of noise about it just annoys people. Do you not think other games have had large influxes of hackers or scripters before? Ever play Battlefield? How about APB? Or maybe Call of Duty? When a game gets a lot of good attention, it also gets a lot of bad attention.Also did you even read my post? Did I ever make mention once about this being an alpha? I couldn't give two shits if its an Alpha, Beta, or stand alone release, I have fun in the game.All you are doing right now is dismissing anyone who has a contradicting idea to yours as being a fan boy or a scripter, and make yourself out to be the knight in shining armor, when in all actuality you are just another retard in aluminum foil...Thanks for bumping again. Like I said, I don't care that they can't do anything. They need to communicate to these forums and come out to say that this is a problem and that there is some sort of work going on, they need to legitimately show that they know whats happening. As far as it being out of their control, I don't believe that. How will they use that excuse in a stand alone? I do not pretend to be a knight in armor...and I don't dismiss every bodies opinions. If you read the thread, you would know that. I now assume you are just trolling, since it is clear you have nothing intelligent to add to the conversation, but please, feel free to keep bumping my thread! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kozzy420 39 Posted August 4, 2012 Unplayable? I just played for 6 hour straight today and had a blast.There is issues yes, but unplayable? Nope sorry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Core (DayZ) 3 Posted August 4, 2012 Simply just do not play in a packed server. Never seen a hacker, mainly because i stay away from those 40+ player servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steveba50 0 Posted August 4, 2012 Great post i agree with all the points you made. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavenX (DayZ) 7 Posted August 4, 2012 Ok, I get that hackers are a pain in the ass, nuff said and agreed there. Here's the thing though. This isn't a game that you paid for. This is a Mod...a FREE Mod. I paid for ArmA2 and it's expansion so I could play it. That I paid for. DayZ I didn't pay for. In being that it's free that gives me the right to either play it and enjoy it for what it is, or not play it. I didn't pay for anything where Rocket and DayZ are concerned so I have No Right to bitch and moan at him or his team about the state of the game or Mod. I'm also %100 sure they know what's going on in game since rocket himself got hacked and taken to Thunderdome during a live interview. He knows.When a version of DayZ comes out that I have to Pay For in and of its-self, THEN I'll bitch and moan about hackers and shit ruining the game that I paid for. Right now if I did decide to try to seek real answers about how and why the game is so hackable I'd go talk to the guys who made ArmA2. I'm sure if there was a way to end the hacking Rocket would have done so by now.I see where you're coming from OP, I do, I just don't see where it gives you the right to aim the blame at a guy who made something cool and gave it to you for free. It's not his fault the engine isn't up to par on security. I'm sure he did the best with what he could and worked within a engine he could use. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rebecca Chambers 3 Posted August 4, 2012 its so true....its why you they dont release alphas to the public lolhow many movies have u got frist screening on?how many first drafts have read in books?how many TV series make it past a pilot and if successful do they even air the pilot? hell how many alphas have you played besides this one?fuck how many betas have you played ?this mod should never have been intended to build popularity in an alpha state and it will fail becuz of poor reception..beleive it or dont but someone will take this idea and run and be more successful than some fools trying to make a mod work on an engine with a completly diff game in mind, not sying that cant do it, just saying they will failits a mod, its fun everyone once in a while, then a hacker/bug/"insert stupid gameplay reason here" happens then you realize this is horseshitcall me when its standalone, but by then...a new developer will have alrdy made their millions on this type of game and DayZ will have 5000 diehards playing with each other claiming they were first lol 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bofadeez 2 Posted August 4, 2012 I've encountered exactly ONE hacker in the last month. The game is entirely playable. Your problem is that you are getting too attached to your gear. Don't you know you're not supposed to do that?It is an alpha - You didn't pay for the game - Arma 2 engine is trusting - Battle Eye is not at fault - Don't blame BI or Rocket - QQ moar - U R JUST BADThese are all perfectly valid points, and the fact that you listed them dismissively at the beginning of your post does not change that. The next six paragraphs of your post consist of nothing but complaints about the fact that this is an alpha, so they require no rebuttal.Until the game becomes stable, I refuse to play it.It's not going to become more stable as a mod of Arma 2, so you can just move along now. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MDRN Buddha 4 Posted August 4, 2012 Please, share with me your secrets to being hack-proof? If you aren't, then please, tell me how you make server dependent items stick around for more than a day? If you don't work towards any long-term goals, then I assume you either A sit in elektro or cherno and snipe new spawns (whoo...that may just be too much fun to handle) or you are yourself, a script-kiddie.Not meaning to offend you here. Just want a slice of the dayz pie.Wait wait just because you have no "long term" goals of taking over the whole fucking world, that just means you sit in and snipe new spawns or are a hacker? Great freaking logic. If you dont like this game so much because of an aspect why come on the forums and POST SOMETHING THAT HAS BEEN POSTED A THOUSAND TIMES. We know hackers are bad, they will always be out there no matter what you do. Specially with PC games because thats how it has always been.I dont have any long term goals, other than finding a vehicle or maybe setting up a few tents. Not really a goal but just something. Doesnt mean we camp elektro and cherno all the time and laugh as the new spawns die from our non existing AS50s. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spoleto 25 Posted August 4, 2012 The amount of people replying with " I have have only ran into hackers once or twice in a month " " I have never seen a hacker so your point is invalid"Makes me cringe..Just because its not happening to you, does *not* mean its not the biggest issue dayz the alpha has at the moment.. stop being so selfish.I play on a variety of servers and I find what OP has said to be exactly the case currently and believe me there are thousands of dayz players who perhaps don't post on the forums who probably feel the same way. Over the last 5 nights I have encountered at least one script kiddie EVERY single night, sometimes more.. Sometimes they nuke the whole server, sometimes they teleport behind you and gun everyone down one by one, sometimes they thunderdome but they are pulling shit without fail every single night on a huge range of servers.I'm honestly glad some of you are able to play without running into these fools but please dont diminish the problem for us who are not so lucky. I try to play smart - loot quickly in cherno/electro and move up north and play very carefully as a loner mostly but occasionaly with a small group who may for example try to repair a vehicle. It has been impossible to make any concerted attempt to actually "survive" or accomplish more difficult tasks recently and I have began just gearing up and messing around on the coast looking for trouble and I hate playing like that..Im sure it doesn't affect clan members with tents full of duped weapons, either as at most they have to make a short(ish) run from the coast to their camp and they are back on their feet again but for players who spend sometimes upwards of 4 hours painstakingly gearing up only to die in the most unfair possible way its a huge dampner on any motivation to even log in at the moment.I say all of this knowing it's not an issue caused by or even solvable by Rocket alone, but it's such a problem at the moment there should seriously be a disclaimer on explaining the current situation to any prospective buyers - ( yes buyers, don't try to pretend people are not buying the CO arma pack for dayz, right or wrong, they definitely are, the sales figures make that fact self evident ) and a dev acknowledgement of the issue on the forum would be nice, too. Rocket used to post on here all the time.. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 205 Posted August 4, 2012 It is an alpha - You didn't pay for the game - Arma 2 engine is trusting - Battle Eye is not at fault - Don't blame BI or Rocket - QQ moar - U R JUST BAD All appropriate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spoleto 25 Posted August 4, 2012 It is an alpha - You didn't pay for the game - Arma 2 engine is trusting - Battle Eye is not at fault - Don't blame BI or Rocket - QQ moar - U R JUST BADAll appropriate. I wish I could give negative beans...And I'm certainly not blaming rocket and I don't think OP is either, but how the fuck is U R JUST BAD even relevant to the discussion..Wow.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SadPanda (DayZ) 181 Posted August 4, 2012 I can play without any problems. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CHOSENMARINE 43 Posted August 4, 2012 If you don't like the being an alpha tester then don't play you whiny bitch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdz (DayZ) 238 Posted August 4, 2012 I love how people just refuse to ignore the fact that this game is unplayable for some and just troll them instead.The other day I lost a 16 day old character to a hacker that transported everyone to our base, the next day my friends were killed by him constantly and today I just had one jump in and gave everyone NVGs,GPS,coyote packs,AS50s and CCO SDs.This may sound cool, but it is not.It completely ruins the game, makes items not matter at all and it fucks over people who've gone through the risks to get this high tier gear.I'd love to hear from a hacker and see his reasonings behind it 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ozwald 14 Posted August 4, 2012 If you don't like the being an alpha tester then don't play you whiny bitch.I thought we were alpha testing DayZ not Battle Eye. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SadPanda (DayZ) 181 Posted August 4, 2012 I love how people just refuse to ignore the fact that this game is unplayable for some and just troll them instead.Except it's not unplayable, not for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crios 28 Posted August 4, 2012 I've encountered exactly ONE hacker in the last month. The game is entirely playable. Your problem is that you are getting too attached to your gear. Don't you know you're not supposed to do that?These are all perfectly valid points, and the fact that you listed them dismissively at the beginning of your post does not change that. The next six paragraphs of your post consist of nothing but complaints about the fact that this is an alpha, so they require no rebuttal.It's not going to become more stable as a mod of Arma 2, so you can just move along now.Actually I dismissed them all because they are INVALID points. I also specifically pointed out that I do NOT get attached to my gear, and that hackers in fact contribute to most of the high end gear I get, usually indirectly through circulation. Your troll response gets no beans, you didn't even make it half way through my post before jumping to conclusions.And no, this game is not in alpha. No game in history has been this bad in alpha and been released IN A MONTH, that's right, Rocket said September would be when he expects his stand alone to be on the market. No fucking way anybody could argue that THIS is alpha when he expects people to pay for a STAND ALONE GAME in a month? Besides the fact that the problem exists, an even larger gaff is that he refuses to even acknowledge communication. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lennsik 176 Posted August 4, 2012 See, I get attached to my gear. Thing is though, I know more is out there if I die, so I just flip out for a good minute or two and then continue trucking on.And I really do like how you think clearing out the "arguments" will mean we'll suddenly not bring them up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maniacmike (DayZ) 24 Posted August 4, 2012 (edited) I ain't seen 1 hacker and if u do just quit the fucking server. Don't matter if it's this or Counter Strike Source, playing love to blame hackers. Yawn Edited August 4, 2012 by Maniacmike 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crios 28 Posted August 4, 2012 I ain't seen 1 hacker and if u do just quit the fucking server.Don't matter if it's this or Counter Strike Source, playing love to blame hackers.YawnThanks for the bump bro. I suggest you take some time off from trolling and go back to 4th grade to lern urself some proper grammers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lt. Bill 1 Posted August 4, 2012 I was on a server with 10 people and we all got teleported to the Thunderdome thing, so not sure low population servers will serve you any better. But anyways, I believe you are gonna have to put up with the hacks for right now....just like it was a few weeks ago. Then they will do bans, rinse...repeat every so often right now. But yes it is frustrating! But I do love the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Agrocr0c 23 Posted August 4, 2012 Save your breath - I was playing Quake Alpha in about 1996 and aimbots were shooting out of their backside way back then -- nothing changes; until the hackers lose anonymity they'll never answer for their misdemeanors; it's pissing into the wind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kozzy420 39 Posted August 4, 2012 (edited) Just because its not happening to you, does *not* mean its not the biggest issue dayz the alpha has at the moment.. stop being so selfish.Read what you just wrote, go on take a minute to read it over a few times..."just because its not happening to you"You can flip that around and say the exact same thing about people that say "You are lying, there is no way you have only seen one hacker, stop sticking up for DayZ"Understand?? Here watch..."Just because IT IS happening to YOU does not mean that it is happening to EVERYONE".I agree with the person you quoted, I have been playing since the game first came out, over 100 hours and I have only ONCE seen a hacker first hand. Am I suppose to lie and say YES IVE SEEN TONS!We know its an issue (there is MANY issues in this game and in ALL ALPHA versions of games), we are just giving our personal hands on experience as YOU ARE. The hacking needs to be fixed no doubt about it.My experience is that ive seen more hackers on Red Orchestra2 and BF3 then I have in Dayz from my experience. Now I love Red Orchesta2 alot, but ive seen alot of hackers on it since the first day the game came out. The good thing is that this is only ALPHA stage and hopefully if they move on to a new engien for the standalone that things can be worked out. Its better to be worked out NOW and exploits, hacks,etc.. known about now then later when its fully released.yes hacking needs to be fixed, as does the horrible artifacts that came with the new update and many many other things, thats what a alpha is for. Finding issues and getting on it to fix them by the time the game starts selling on stores/goes standalone. Edited August 4, 2012 by kozzy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdz (DayZ) 238 Posted August 4, 2012 I ain't seen 1 hacker and if u do just quit the fucking server.Don't matter if it's this or Counter Strike Source, playing love to blame hackers.YawnYes, because we know we're about to get teleported in to the thunderdome, shot by an invisible player,have our server nuked or are going to come across a god mode player.Fucking idiot 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capri_stylee 9 Posted August 4, 2012 The amount of people replying with " I have have only ran into hackers once or twice in a month " " I have never seen a hacker so your point is invalid"Makes me cringe..Just because its not happening to you, does *not* mean its not the biggest issue dayz the alpha has at the moment.. stop being so selfish.I play on a variety of servers and I find what OP has said to be exactly the case currently and believe me there are thousands of dayz players who perhaps don't post on the forums who probably feel the same way. Over the last 5 nights I have encountered at least one script kiddie EVERY single night, sometimes more.. Sometimes they nuke the whole server, sometimes they teleport behind you and gun everyone down one by one, sometimes they thunderdome but they are pulling shit without fail every single night on a huge range of servers.I'm honestly glad some of you are able to play without running into these fools but please dont diminish the problem for us who are not so lucky. I try to play smart - loot quickly in cherno/electro and move up north and play very carefully as a loner mostly but occasionaly with a small group who may for example try to repair a vehicle. It has been impossible to make any concerted attempt to actually "survive" or accomplish more difficult tasks recently and I have began just gearing up and messing around on the coast looking for trouble and I hate playing like that..Im sure it doesn't affect clan members with tents full of duped weapons, either as at most they have to make a short(ish) run from the coast to their camp and they are back on their feet again but for players who spend sometimes upwards of 4 hours painstakingly gearing up only to die in the most unfair possible way its a huge dampner on any motivation to even log in at the moment.I say all of this knowing it's not an issue caused by or even solvable by Rocket alone, but it's such a problem at the moment there should seriously be a disclaimer on explaining the current situation to any prospective buyers - ( yes buyers, don't try to pretend people are not buying the CO arma pack for dayz, right or wrong, they definitely are, the sales figures make that fact self evident ) and a dev acknowledgement of the issue on the forum would be nice, too. Rocket used to post on here all the time..As a person who has never witnessed a hacker, I agree with all of the above.In the mean time, avoid busy servers, US servers also seem to be suffering more. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites